This collection of resources support the development of mathematical skills in science, providing opportunities for children to use and apply mathematics in a real world context. Provided by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), resources are:

The colours of flowers: identify and name wild flowers, whilst investigating the frequency of different flower colours, collecting data and presenting it as a graph.

Primary numbers in plants: grow an Amaryllis plant provides opportunities for measuring, drawing graphs, considering symmetry, and looking for patterns.

How to find the height of a tree: provides six activities to find the height of a tree, linked to the topics of measurement, geometry and ratio it provides an opportunity for estimating, measuring and calculating.

How tall are you in leaves?: Children take measurements of their height using leaves, then compare this with their actual height to find out the importance of using standard measurements.

How fast does a root grow?: Measure root growth over a number of days, then calculate growth rate and represent this data in the form of a graph.

Food miles: children think about seasonal produce and the long distances travelled by foods so that we can have a full choice of fruit and vegetables all year round.



Showing 6 result(s)

How Fast Does a Root Grow?

In this activity, seeds are grown in Petri dishes so children can make direct observations of the roots as they grow. The activity requires measurements over a number of days, so provides an opportunity to link to numeracy by working out growth rate and representing...

Food Miles

In this resource, aimed at primary level, children think about seasonal produce and the long distances travelled by foods so that we can have a full choice of fruit and vegetables all year round. Providing ideas for classroom activities the resource links to work on the environment, plants, seasons and world...
