This is a collection of published educational research by STEM Learning.

These articles are part of the STEM Learning research collection, which also contains external evaluations of STEM Learning CPD and resources from the STEM Learning research conferences.

These resources are part of the larger collection: Educational research in STEM subjects



Showing 8 result(s)

Review of Myscience partnership activity with school groups

Published in June 2013, this report from the  National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) sets out the findings from a review of Myscience’s (STEM Learning) partnership activity with school groups. The aim of the study was to identify any opportunities that exist, and the changes and challenges that are...

Researching the Use of the i-Book Within the Primary Science Specialist Programme

Published in late 2013, this report contains the findings of a research study which looked into the use of electronic books (e-books or i-books) within continuous professional development (CPD).

The research looked in particular at the way that teachers on the 2013-14 National STEM Learning Centre and...

InGenious Project

InGenious was a multi-stakeholder initiative in STEM education launched by European Schoolnet and the European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT) with an aim  of fostering young people’s interest in STEM education and careers. This €8 million European programme in STEM education involved more than 40 partner...

Employer engagement in education report

This report represents the culmination of a year’s worth of work through a literature review, workshops and surveys looking at employer engagement in schools. It aims to draw out current best practice and make recommendations on next steps to share that more widely. It forms part of a strategic direction taken by...
