Part of the Educational research in STEM subjects main collection, this is a collection of academic research looking at curriculum models in STEM subjects. 




Showing 12 result(s)

More time needed for multiplicative reasoning trial

In 2015, the Department for Education published a new report describing a randomised controlled trial of a pilot of the Multiplicative Reasoning Project (MRP). MRP focuses on developing teachers' understanding and capacity to teach topics that involve multiplicative reasoning to Key Stage 3 (KS3) students. The...

Preschool fade out

Published in 2015, a working paper from the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia investigated the persistence of effects of early childhood interventions and asked whether these effects fade systematically. The study found that “by the end of kindergarten [Year 1] children who attended preschool...

In-person verses online collaboration in science

In an article published in 2014 in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, researchers studied whether online collaborative learning was more effective than in-person collaborative learning in middle school science classes in relation to students’ understanding of science concepts.

In the study...

Programme for international student assessment (PISA) and homework

Published in 2014, an OECD report on data from the PISA survey looked at homework among 15-year-olds and asked whether homework perpetuates inequalities in education. According to the report, in 2012 students in the 38 countries covered by the survey spent an average of an hour less on their weekly homework than...
