Frequency tables, diagrams, bar charts and histograms

Students may be familiar with drawing a range of charts, diagrams and graphs but may have less experience interpreting exactly what they mean. Use questions to challenge students understanding of the key features of a chart or graph. Ask students to state how the chart or graph supports their comments. Ask them to give examples of the most important features and maybe some less important ones that may not be immediately apparent.

The use of histograms is referred to under the section Health, disease and the development of medicines
Students are often confused about the difference between a histogram and a bar chart. This is can be reinforced by some text books and web links they see. A frequency diagram should only be referred to as a bar chart if it refers to discrete data.

Students often use graphs from packages like Excel without really thinking about whether they are suitable and often spreadsheet programs are rather cumbersome in creating suitable graphs for science lessons and contexts.

The need for these skills is most likely to occur in the Biology sections where it may well take the form or presenting and extracting data from in the Ecosystems topic as well as extracting data from graphs in the Coordination and Control topic.