Little Red Riding Hood-Habitats and food chains

A collection of resources that link to the story of Little Red Riding Hood.  This story is set in a wood and makes a lovely starting point for finding out about habitats.  The resources here can be used to cover many objectives, supporting children to learn about habitats and to realise that different animals are suited to living in different habitats.  It will also give them the opportunity to identify a variety of plants and animals that live in a woodland habitat.  They could also start to learn about simple food chains.

It is worth giving children experience of more than one version of this story, for example in some versions Granny is eaten by the wolf and in others is locked in the wardrobe..  This is likely to spark conversations about what is true and not always taking what is written down at face value (this is an important part of thinking scientifically).  This idea of different points of view could be emphasised if you included stories written from the wolf's point of view such as   'The Wolf's Story' by Toby Forward or 'The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood' by several authors.

Also included are some resources which link to Forest Schools.  If you do decide to take your children to the woods you may find that initially some are nervous.  This is because stories such as Little Red Riding Hood lead them to believe that all forests are dangerous places.  Also, many young children have a misconception that wolves and foxes are similar animals.  More information about the differences between these animals and where they can be found will be helpful.  A book such as 'Walk with a Wolf' by Janni Howker will help them to realise that wolves live in a completely different habitat to them, and that in real life they do not eat little girls!