Equations and Formulae - Key Stage 3

This  collection of resources supports the teaching of Equations and Formulae.


Here are some of the favourite activities selected by the NRICH team.


  • Your Number Was… Think of a number and follow my instructions. Tell me your answer, and I'll tell you what you started with! Can you explain how I know?
  • Temperature Water freezes at 0°Celsius (32°Fahrenheit) and boils at 100°C (212°Fahrenheit). Is there a temperature at which Celsius and Fahrenheit readings are the same?
  • What's it Worth? There are lots of different methods to find out what the shapes are worth - how many can you find?

These are just a few of the activities on Equations and Formulae that you can find on the NRICH curriculum pages.




The activities below, taken from the STEM Learning website, complement the NRICH activities above.