These resources have been reviewed and selected by STEM Learning’s team of education specialists for factual accuracy and relevance to teaching STEM subjects in UK schools.

Year One/Two Autumn Term

This resource has been created for mixed age classes working in the early primary years. The two weekly plans support learning about sequencing, place value, addition and subtraction, containing differentiated activities for the different year groups, guided tasks and the resources required for each lesson. Objectives covered in the lessons include:

Week One

Year One

  • Numbers up to 20
  • Recite, count and order on a track
  • Say number before/after, estimate
  • Make ‘teens’ by adding to 10
  • Partition ‘teens’

Year Two

  • Numbers up to 100
  • Mark on a beaded line and landmarked line
  • Order, compare and say a number between neighbouring multiples of ten
  • Count on and back
  • Estimate (show using bead strings and write the corresponding addition)
  • Partition
  • Use place value to add and subtract (this plan uses mental addition using partitioning)

Week Two

Year One

  • Understand addition as combining sets
  • Relate counting on to addition
  • Partition 5 into two groups
  • Record related addition sentences

Year Two

  • Partition all numbers to 10, then 20 into pairs
  • Record related addition sentences and find corresponding subtraction
  • Use the = sign to represent equality
  • Recognise use of a symbol to represent an unknown
  • Count on and back in tens from any number
  • Relate to finding 10 more/less

Provided by Hamilton Trust, this resource has been developed to support the 2014 National Curriculum.

The Hamilton website also hosts a wealth of other free resources.

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