Resources by Centre for Science Education

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Displaying 241 - 250 of 275

The Roman Banquet

In this Tripled Crossed activity, from the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, students match various nutrient groups with the food groups and consider the nutritional benefits. They are then provided with food cards that cover the kinds of foods eaten in Roman times and...

The Star of Byzantium

This Problem Solving with Industry module was devised by the Centre for Science Education in collaboration with Willis Carroon North Limited and South Yorkshire Police. In this module the problem is to choose the most appropriate electronically-controlled security...

The Use of Cameras in Special Needs Science Education

Patrick Organ and Barbara Watson, from the Forest Special School, share their ideas on using photography to support teaching and learning. The case study aimed to tackle how to record individual progress and achievement when teaching students with severe and moderate learning difficulties. A number of uses of...

The Use of Velcro in Special Needs Science Lessons

Patrick Organ and Barbara Watson, from the Forest Special School, share ideas about using Velcro as a teaching and learning tool. Students with moderate or severe learning difficulties can find it difficult to take in information from a static display, and so teachers at Forest School use Velcro to make versatile...

The White Stuff in the Pipes

This Problem Solving with Industry module was devised by the Centre for Science Education in collaboration with ICI. In this module students find out why pipes in a soda-ash chemical plant have become blocked with a white sludge. They identify the sludge and determine...

Three Parents

This Science upd8 resource is set in the context of controversial medical study. Researchers have created a human embryo with three separate parents. The scientists believe the development is a potential breakthrough in the prevention of serious diseases. Students take on the role of a trainee nurse who has to...

Tiling Patterns

Cre8ate maths provides these activities which investigate the tessellation of regular polygons and its application in construction. Initially students identify which regular polygons tessellate, providing the opportunity to discuss the interior angles of polygons and...

Time Raiders - Death of the Mummy

In this Science upd8 activity, students evaluate evidence from a recently discovered mummy to work out how it lived and how it died. Through so doing, they learn about the function of its preserved tissues and organs.

Time Raiders: Death of a Mummy

This Double Crossed resource uses the context of the excavation of an Egyptian tomb to learn about the main organs in the human body. The students evaluate evidence from a recently discovered mummy to draw conclusions about the person’s life and the cause of death.

A cut and stick activity is used to...

Transporting Living Things

In this Triple Crossed activity, from the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, students are given the task of writing the regulations for the transportation of organisms through an airport.

Considering a tiger, a jellyfish and a highland cow they are asked to...


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