Resources by Teachers TV

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The Minty Cola Fountain

Using a bottle of fizzy cola and a packet of mints, Professor Hal Sosabowski performs a dramatic, demonstration showing carbon dioxide coming out of solution at immense speed in this Teachers TV video. When sparkling drinks are made, carbon dioxide is forced into solution under pressure and the bottle is sealed....

The Periodic Table: Ferocious Elements *suitable for home teaching*

Produced by Teachers TV, this video looks at elements that are very stable and some that are much more reactive. Science teacher Subathra Subramaniam visits Portobello Road market in London and learns why gold, silver and copper are ideal for making jewellery. She also examines the highly reactive alkali metals,...

The Physics Teacher

In this film from Teachers TV, physics teacher Jason Drewett Gray receives feedback from his students on what they think of him as a teacher and how they rate his lessons. Whilst he has been observed by colleagues or inspectors on many occasions, he has never asked for the opinions of his students. He chooses a...

The Pulsing Reaction

From the Teachers TV series Demonstrating Chemistry, this video shows how to carry out a stunning demonstration of autocatalysis, whereby the products of one reaction act as a catalyst for the next.

Professor Hal Sosabowski mixes hydrogen peroxide, potassium iodate with sulphuric acid and a mixture of...

The Role of Talk

Produced by Teachers TV, primary educators demonstrate how they have encouraged dialogue in their Key Stage Two science lessons.

Nicky Waller, an advisory science teacher in Durham, goes through a lesson inspired by the Children Challenge Industry Project. This relates science to real life companies and...

The seasons: light intensity and latitude

This Teaching Astronomy and Space video clip, from the Institute of Physics (IOP), Teachers TV and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), shows a simple demonstration to explain why regions at the equator are hotter than regions nearer the Earth's...

The Secrets of Spider Silk

From Teachers TV, this Inside Science video looks at an exploration into the properties of spider silk, a super material found in nature which has presented scientists with a real challenge to synthesize.


The Shape Show

This resource from Teachers TV begins with a review of the properties of some quadrilaterals and triangles which are then related to the shapes which can be found in all aspects of the environment, described as looking at the world with a mathematical eye.


The Solar System, Planets, Asteroids and Comets

Produced by Teachers TV, as part of the Teaching Astronomy and Space series, this video looks at Saturn, its moons and finally on the risk of an asteroid colliding with Earth.

Planetary scientist Sheila Kanani shows...

The Sun

In this Teaching Astronomy and Space video, from the Institute of Physics (IOP), Teachers TV and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), solar physicist Lucie Green reveals her lifelong fascination with our nearest star, the Sun.



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