Resources by Centre for Studies in Science and Mathematics Education

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Aspects of Secondary Students’ Ideas about Light

The aim of this Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS) research study was to describe aspects of secondary school students’ ideas about light and to set these in the context of results from other studies in the area and of the history of ideas about light and...

Aspects of Secondary Students’ Understanding of Energy

The report from the Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS) gives an account of a number of aspects of students’ ideas about energy including:

*Do students use ideas about energy spontaneously to help them interpret phenomena?

*When students are ‘cued’ that energy is involved in a situation,...

Aspects of Secondary Students’ Understanding of Heat

The report from the Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS) gives an account of a number of aspects of students’ ideas about heat including:
*Do students differentiate between heat and temperature?
*Do students appreciate that heat is needed to produce a...

Aspects of Secondary Students’ Understanding of Plant Nutrition

The report from the Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS) gives an account of a number of aspects of students’ understanding of plant nutrition including:
*To what extent do students understand that plants carry out autotrophic nutrition and not...

Aspects of Secondary Students’ Understanding of the Particulate Nature of Matter

The report from the Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS) gives an account of a number of aspects of students’ ideas about particles including:
*What do students understand about the particulate nature of matter?
*Do they understand the scientific...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

The Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS) set out to explore children’s own ideas around the science topics they cover in school science lessons, and use this to help improve the way teachers develop students’ scientific understanding. The project was largely...

The CLIS approach stressed the importance of recognising and building on the learner’s existing ideas and challenging any misconceptions that learners may have. It was based on a constructivist theory of learning. The theory was refined and developed through the...

The aim of the Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS) was to discover how to use a constructivist approach to teach selected topics, and translate this into materials which could be used by teachers. The teaching strategies suggested to achieve the CLIS objectives in lessons include a focus on the use of: *...


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