Resources by Collins Educational

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Nuffield Junior Science: Teacher's Guide 1

Teacher’s Guide 1 of the Nuffield Junior Science Project sets out the general educational philosophy of the project based on the project team's observations of children. It then tries to interpret that philosophy in terms of practical classroom situations, with chapters...

Nuffield Junior Science: Teacher's Guide 2

Teacher’s Guide 2 of the Nuffield Junior Science Project is largely a collection of reports of samples of work done by classes in the pre-pilot and pilot areas. It attempts to show how children of a wide range of age, ability, and social background, taught by a...

The Nuffield Primary Science materials were based on the findings of a research project called the Science Processes and Concept Exploration (SPACE). This was the first set of resources published in the UK for primary science teaching that was explicitly based on a constructivist view of learning.


The Nuffield Primary Science materials were based on the findings of a research project called Science Processes and Concept Exploration (SPACE). This was the first set of resources published in the UK for primary science teaching that was explicitly based on a constructivist view of learning.


The Nuffield Primary Science materials were based on the findings of a research project called Science Processes and Concept Exploration (SPACE). This was the first set of resources published in the UK for primary science teaching that was explicitly based on a constructivist view of learning.


Nuffield Primary Science Teachers' Handbook

The Nuffield Primary Science Teachers’ Handbook was designed to help teachers implement the SPACE approach to the teaching of primary science. The Handbook is only about 90 pages long but it covers a wide range of topics. The Handbook is divided into five main sections. After the introduction, the first section has...

Some of the publications from the Nuffield Primary Science Project give general guidance about the research base of the project, its implementation in schools and the professional development for teachers across the full age range in primary schools. Other resources in this library give more specific guidance and...

Nuffield Primary Science: Introduction and Index

This Introduction and Index to the Key Stage One resources was published to help teachers with the first edition of Nuffield Primary Science. For Key Stage Two, this general guidance was included in the Teachers’ Handbook.



The students' books were intended to supplement classroom work but not to replace practical work. The books were generally not essential for the activities outlined in the Teachers' Guides.


The students' books were intended to supplement classroom work but not to replace practical work. The books were generally not essential for the activities outlined in the Teachers' Guides.



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