Resources by Macdonald Educational

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Calculating aids (Macdonald education colour units)

Holes, Gaps and Cavities, Stages One and Two

This Science 5/13 unit for teachers Holes, gaps and cavities stages one and two is concerned with The unit is concerned with a number of facets of 'holes, gaps and cavities', all of which lead to gathering experience. The first chapter suggests children make their own collection .of 'holes', make lists of holes,...

Introduction and Guide to Teaching Primary Science

This introductory book to the series Teaching Primary Science consists of chapters which show the teacher how to develop science from the interests of children. Some sections deal specifically with methods of teaching, resources etc, and show teachers how to choose...

Introduction and Guide to Teaching Primary Science: Diamond, Dorothy


Teaching Primary Science includes the topics:

  • Candles
  • Seeds and seedlings
  • Paints and materials
  • Science...

Learning Through Science was a project initially sponsored by the Schools Council and the Scottish Education Department. Later it came under the aegis of the School Curriculum Development Committee. Its aims were to help teachers of children between the ages of eight and thirteen to learn science through first-hand...

Learning Through Science: Formulating a School Policy, with an Index to Science 5/13

Formulating a school policy with an index to Science 5/13 was produced by the project Learning Though Science, which followed directly on the Science 5/13 project. It is in two parts, the first dealing with matters of school policy and organisation relating to...

Learning Through Science: Guide and Index

Learning Through Science Guide and Index combines a discussion of how enquiry skills, basic ideas and attitude development can interlink in children’s learning in science with practical advice in the use of the project's materials. It gives information on organization, the objectives that can be achieved,...

Learning Through Science: Student Teachers’ Pack

The Learning Through Science Student teachers’ pack serves as an introduction to the project’s materials and also constitutes a reduced pack which could support a number of short topics. It takes four of the 12 packs (see Teachers’ guide and Pupils’ assignment cards...

Science 5/13 is aimed at helping teaches help children between the ages of five and thirteen years to learn science through first-hand experience using a variety of methods. The project produces books that comprise units dealing with subject areas...

Like and Unlike, Stages One, Two and Three

This Science 5/13 unit for teachers Like and unlike stages one, two and three has a wider range in the suggested activities than most other units, covering stage three (transition to abstract thinking) as well as the two earlier stages. There are two chapters (Chapters 2 and 4), which are written particularly to...


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