Resources by Miles Kelly Publishing

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The titles in this series use comic anecdotes in speech bubbles to hook the reader's attention. Factual information is provided by larger chunks of text and the index will help children find fast facts. This book...

Each features lenticular covers, 2 pull-out posters and cards. These detailed guides are clearly laid-out, and are separated by tabbed dividers for easy navigation. For Key Stage 2 and 3.

Fascinating facts about space are presented in a variety of formats that will keep children enthralled, including lists, factfiles, bulleted points, timelines, top tens and information boxes. The topic is split into...

Each of these little books is packed with information, delivering a comprehensive insight into a key subject area. Text is presented in the form of bulleted facts, and amazing fact panels add extra interest.

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

This guide enables readers to recognize 50 species of trees and shrubs. Each species comes with beautiful artwork, photos and important identification tips.

A guide which allows readers to recognize 50 species of wildflower, this book also contains vital information on family groups, height and the time of year each flower can be seen.

Super Science Experiments is packed with 40 experiments to introduce children to the basics of science in a fun, appealing way. Each experiment is accompanied by an introduction to a scientific concept, clear...

Questions and answers provide a beguiling and friendly way of accessing information for children. In this volume, answers come thick and fast in the top two-thirds of the spread with text and illustrations, while a...


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