Resources by Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)

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A Level Performance Descriptors Science Subjects 2003

Produced in 2003, these performance descriptors for chemistry science subjects at AS and A2 levels were written to indicate the level of attainment characteristic of grades A/B and E/U boundary candidates across a series of assessment objectives. It was intended that they should be interpreted in relation to the...

A Level Performance Descriptors Science Subjects 2007

Produced in 2007, these performance descriptors for science subjects at AS and A2 levels were written to indicate the level of attainment characteristic of grades A/B and E/U boundary candidates across a series of assessment objectives. It was intended that they should be interpreted in relation to the content...

A Level Performance Descriptors: Chemistry 1999

Produced in 1999, these performance descriptors for chemistry at AS and A2 levels were written to indicate the level of attainment characteristic of grades A/B and E/U boundary candidates across a series of assessment objectives. It was intended that they should be interpreted in relation to the content outlined in...

A Level Performance Descriptors: Design and Technology 2007

Produced in 2007, these performance descriptors for design and technology at AS and A2 levels were written to indicate the level of attainment characteristic of grades A/B and E/U boundary candidates across a series of assessment objectives. It was intended that they should be interpreted in relation to the content...

A- Level Criteria Design and Technology 2006

This set of subject criteria were produced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) in 2006 for Awarding Bodies to produce design and technology specifications for teaching in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

AS and A level subject criteria are intended to set out the knowledge, understanding...

A-Level Criteria Chemistry 1999

This set of subject criteria were produced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) in 1999 for Awarding Bodies to produce Chemistry specifications for first teaching in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in 2000.

AS and A level subject criteria are intended to set out the knowledge,...

A-Level Criteria Science Subjects 2006

This set of subject criteria were produced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in 2006 for Awarding Bodies to produce AS and A level science subject specifications, in biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, geology, electronics and environmental science.

AS and A level subject criteria are...

A-Level Design and Technology - Review of Standards 1978-98

Written in 2004, this is a report by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) reviewing standards over time in design and technology A levels between 1978 and 1998.


Assessing Pupils Progress (APP) Science materials

Produced in 2009-2010, Assessing Pupils Progress (APP) was produced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and is a structured approach to periodic assessment, written to enable teachers to use diagnostic information about students’ strengths and weaknesses and to track students’ progress.


Assessing Pupils Progress (APP) was produced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), and Capita (under contract to the Department for Children, Schools and Families) and is a structured approach to periodic assessment, written to enable teachers to: *use diagnostic information about students’...


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