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In October 2001 the Open University introduces a new modular programme for initial teacher training for secondary teaching. Four set books will develop and extend the required subject knowledge for the National Curriculum in design and technology.

Although intended for initial students many existing teachers...

In National Curriculum science, mathematics and technology, girls are consistently outperformed by boys. They choose to use construction toys less than boys in their playgroups and reception classes and are already reluctant to take risks with construction toys and activities by the time they are first assessed in...

Image resultThe rapid growth in the significance and scope of CDT Departments in schools and colleges calls for a range of new management strategies. Peter Toft, who directed the CDT Support Through...

This book illustrates how current teaching methodology and school management and the bias in existing textbooks can and often does disadvantage black, working class and girl students, and how often this might be...

This book is for primary school teachers of all subjects and shows how they can enhance their teaching opportunities with ICT - whether or not they are familiar with ICT.

There are chapters on all main...

This volume examines the reality of science in primary classrooms. It offers a balanced comparison of models, content and approaches and stresses the importance to children of global issues, such as environment,...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.


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