Resources by Lawrence Educational

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Stories are an essential part of human experience and are an invaluable tool for making sense of the world. This practical book provides a wide selection of ideas for...

Children’s language development and understanding of maths go hand-in-hand so the best way to nurture their curiosity is to share meaningful conversations with them....

There is rich mathematical learning potential in the outdoor environment, as children naturally problem-solve and discover things about number, shape, distance and...

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud! There is nothing quite like it for learning opportunities. A mud kitchen can be a key element of outdoor continuous provision. Mud is good for...

Science in the early years is all about helping children gain knowledge and understanding of their world through first-hand explorations. This book includes 50 hands-on science experiences that encourage children to observe, sort, compare and play using a wide range of materials.

The outdoor activities are...

Why are some children chatty confident talkers at home, but extremely quiet or totally silent outside their homes? Why do some children get stuck into group activities...

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