Resources by London Curriculum

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Five ways to cross a river

What are the different types of bridge and how do they cope with the loads put on them?

Lesson Objectives

  • The student could research and explore the way forces affect bridges and discuss how to explain this information to the intended user group.
  • They should categorise...

Force of the river physics teaching pack

The Thames is a working river, providing transport, trade and of course water to London but also presenting significant engineering challenges, such as defence of the city from flooding. This unit covers the topics of pressure in liquids and gases and simple machines from the key stage 3 science curriculum and uses...

Fuel use through time

This resources suggests several activities and visits which enable students to find information about fuel use through time and about the consequences of the use of those fuels.

By visiting museums or exploring the local area around the school, learning outcomes could include:

  • evaluate the...

Future of London's water

This resource can be used to organise a class debate on the various solutions to London’ s ...

Germ Wars

The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand the need for, and means of, infection control, as well as what an epidemiological study is and how it can used in disease prevention, exploring both the roots of epidemiology in London and its continuation in the city today.  Students also set up an...

Going Underground


This learning pack provides many activities from across the curriculum, which are all linked to the topic of ‘Going Underground’. They all sit within the context of London, but may also be used by schools teaching outside the capital. The pack is designed so that you can pick and choose between the topics...

Healthy London -pressure on water supplies

As the London population has grown over time, pressure on water supplies has increased. This lesson, which sets the scene for the unit, considers changing sources of drinking water and the relationship that our domestic use of water has to the water cycle that students will have learned about in primary school....

Healthy London Air

This resource from London Curriculum  explores how statistical techniques are being applied to help solve the problem of air pollution in London. The resource consists of five lessons, covering Venn diagrams, graphs, correlation, representing data and careers:

Lesson 1: Using statistics to understand why air...

Healthy London Chemistry Visit Activities

Learning Objectives

  • Students will explore a site of relevance to the topic water quality. This may be to conduct some individual inquiry work on the quality of a local water source, such as a pond, lake or river.
  • Alternatively the visit could be to a site involved in the water...

Healthy London Living

Drawing on a number of leading London medical and science centres, sporting events and venues, this unit introduces the topics of nutrition and digestion, health and the skeletal and muscular systems. Each lesson offers students the chance to develop the skills required to work scientifically and to develop their...


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