Resources by Physics Online

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Displaying 51 - 60 of 81

Resolving vectors

This video explains how horizontal (x) and vertical (y) components of a vector (resultant) can be obtained by constructing a right-angled triangle and using trigonometry.  Two examples are given.

1. A plane flying N-E (60⁰ from north) at 50m/s.

The horizontal component = 50cos30⁰

The vertical...

Scalars and vectors

This video describes the key differences between vectors and scalars.  It explains that vectors depend upon both magnitude (amount) and direction, whereas scalars are dependent upon magnitude and are independent of direction.

Examples of vector quantities are listed as: displacement, velocity, acceleration,...

SHC of a liquid

A pair of videos that investigates the specific heat capacity of a liquid.  This first video allows students to carry out an experiment on the specific heat capacity of water from home. The second explains how to interpret the data, plot the graph and determine the specific heat capacity of water.  This is a...

SHC of a solid

A trio of videos that explains how to determine the specific heat capacity of a metal.  This first video allows students to see the experiment and the other two review the results and plot a graph to determine the specific heat capacity.  This is a required practical for students to be able to understand and carry...

Sound with an oscilloscope

In this video an oscilloscope simulator on a laptop is demonstrated to visualise a sound wave and calculate its frequency. 

Speed, velocity and acceleration

This video links well to the Scalars and vectors resource.  It explains the difference between speed and velocity in more detail by introducing velocity as the rate of change of displacement (as opposed to distance).

The equation v = s/...

Standing and stationary waves in an open tube

Using a diagram of an open tube an explanation of possible wave patterns is built up.  Firstly, the fundamental mode of vibration is drawn, followed by the second and third harmonics.  For each illustration the number of waves is calculated, i.e, λ/4, 3/4 λ and 5...

Standing or stationary waves on a string

This video explains how nodes and anti-nodes are formed in standing (stationary) waves.  It shows how the distance between two nodes = λ/2.  A series of standing waves are drawn to show the fundamental wave and its harmonics.  The number of half wavelengths for the fundamental and second,...

Temperature-time graph for ice

This video investigates the temperature–time relationship for melting ice. A graph to show the change of state is plotted. 

Terminal speed

The terminal velocities of cupcake cases are calculated in this video and a graph of mass versus terminal velocity is plotted to investigate the relationship. 


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