Resources by 1001 Math Problems

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Displaying 71 - 80 of 84

The origami problem (activity sheet)

With just one fold of a square piece of paper, is it possible to make a triangle and a quadrilateral? Two quadrilaterals? A triangle and a pentagon? A further challenge asks students to explore the combination of shapes that can be made by using two folds of a square.

The restaurant problem

This puzzle provides a gentle introduction to simultaneous equations. Three pictures are given that show different combinations of three items from a menu, together with the total price for each meal. The challenge is to work out the cost of each item.

The six rooster problem

This problem looks at fencing chickens using pens. The challenge is to work out how many lengths are needed to create six separate pens for the roosters.

The sock problem

This combination problem builds up from combinations of three socks to six socks. Can students find a pattern and use it to work out how many socks would be needed to ensure a different pair was available each day for a month?

The spilled juice problem

A sheet is shown containing six calculations that have been partially obscured by juice spilled on the sheet. The challenge is to work out what the calculations were, and their solutions.

The two mangoes problem

This problem provides a gentle introduction to simultaneous equations. Three bags of shopping are shown: two have prices and one does not. The challenge is to find out the price of the final bag of shopping.

Three boxes problem

A photograph of three cubes is presented. The faces of the cubes are decorated with patterns. The challenge is to determine which box is different from the other two. This resource is suitable for Key Stage 3 and could be used as an extension when teaching nets for cubes.

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Toothpick perimeter

This challenge links together the topics area and perimeter. The challenge is to find the smallest area that can be enclosed using 12 toothpicks. The mathematical topics required are areas of rectangles and triangles. This resource is suitable for Key Stages 2 and 3.

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Topologists map of the United States

In this puzzle students are asked to identify all of the states in a topological map of the United States of America. The resource contains a few hints to help orientate the map, but students will have to be familiar with the original map to complete the task.

The map was produced by Sian Zelbo and Mark Saul...


This collection contains resources from the website by Sian Zelbo. The focus is on ‘topology’ presented in the form of puzzles. 


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