Resources by University College London (UCL) - Institute of Education

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BRaSSS Physics - Mars - Years 9-11

These physics resources for students in Years 9-11 are part of the BRaSS initiative and should be used in conjunction with the Teachers' Pack. There are five lessons of approximately 50 minutes’ duration and teachers are free...

BRaSSS Physics - the scope of science - Years 9-11

This lesson explores the ways in which scientific methods and theories develop over time and the nature of progression in physics.

Students are encouraged to contrast the way in which physics is presented to them, as something fixed, with the actual process of doing physics through history, to gain a sense...

BRaSSS Resources

The Broadening Secondary School Science, or BRaSS initiative, seeks to develop teachers’ and students’ understanding and insight about:-

  • how knowledge works
  • cross-curricular links in science 
  • the place of...

Broadening secondary school science (BRaSSS) - Teachers' Pack

The BRaSS initiative seeks to develop teachers’ and students’ understanding and insight about:-

  • how knowledge works
  • cross-curricular links in science 
  • the place of ethics in science teaching
  • the value of using research projects in science teaching


Commercial exploration of space

This unit of work enables students to understand the risks, costs and potential benefits in the commercial exploration of space; and why decisions about scientific and engineering solutions need to take account of expert opinions from a broad range of disciplines.  Initially students work...


This unit looks at 'fracking', the extraction of shale gas by hydraulic fracturing, as an application of science and considers who has access to, and influence over, decision-making processes which determine what risks are acceptable, and who they...


This unit looks at 'geoengineering', which is the implementation of large-scale interventions into the Earth's climate to reduce the impact of climate change. This includes the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or reflection of solar...

Human Enhancement

This unit asks students to consider the range of factors and the implications of human technological enhancements, focussing on brain-computer interfaces.

Human enhancements can be used to improve human functioning, such as a cochlea implant can help deaf people hear. This unit looks at other technological...

Prenatal ultrasound

In this unit of work students consider the implications of prenatal ultrasound in terms of the risks of screening and the certainty of results. It also asks them to consider the ethical and moral implications of the decisions that may arise due to the results of a prenatal ultrasound and...

Interdisciplinary science teaching (16-19)

Science, and its consequences, are a pervasive presence in 21st century life. Currently, however, there is a mismatch between the experiences young people have of science in schools and the way scientists work in the real world. In schools, science...


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