Resources by Computer Science Unplugged

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Displaying 11 - 20 of 29

Kid Krypto - public key encryption

Encryption is the key to information security. The key to modern encryption is that using only public information, a sender can lock up their message in such a way that it can only be unlocked by the intended recipient. The resource begins with a detailed explanation of the activity and how the process of...

Lightest and Heaviest - Sorting Algorithms

Computers are often used to arrange lists into some sort of order. For example, sorting names into alphabetical order, appointments or e-mail by date, or items in numerical order. Sorting lists helps us find things quickly, and also makes extreme values easy to see. If the wrong method is used, it can take a long...

Marching Orders - Programming Languages

Computers are usually programmed using a “language,” which is a limited vocabulary of instructions that can be obeyed. This activity gives students some experience with this aspect of programming. The resource begins with a demonstration of the marching order activity followed by the activity itself, together with...

Minimal spanning tree

A CS Unplugged series resource aimed at younger students but also works well with A level students. This illustrates the concept of minimal spanning trees and graph traversal.

Modems unplugged - sound representation

All data on computers is stored and transmitted using the binary number system. When the binary digits need to be sent over the phone lines (which often happens in home internet connections), the digits are converted to sound...

Network protocols

In this activity students consider how different methods of communication operate successfully. By looking at rules and procedures in place, students are introduced to communication protocols. By working through a role-play...

Programming languages - Harold the robot

In activity children simply give directions to a “robot” (either an adult or another child) and find out which instructions the robot is able to follow, and how their instructions are taken literally. It allows children to...

Session 1: Count the Dots Binary Numbers

In this session you will look at what a binary numbers. Understanding how numbers are made in binary will help you access the next session on images. Steps 1 to 9 explains the activity to be done which is to fill in a table making binary numbers (Worksheet). The extension does not need to be done to understand the...

Sharing Secrets - Information Hiding Protocols

Cryptographic techniques enable information to be shared with other people, yet still maintain a surprisingly high level of privacy. This activity illustrates a situation where information is shared, and yet none of it is revealed: a group of students will calculate their average age without anyone having to reveal...

Steiner Trees

A CS Unplugged series resource aimed at younger students but also works well with A level students. The document contains student activities covering constructing Steiner trees, greedy algorithms and solving traversal problems.


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