Resources by Code Club

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About me

In this activity, part of a group of Python inspired resources,  students will learn how to write a Python program telling people all about you.


Compose Tune

Sonic Pi is a programming environment that lets you create music and other sounds with code while learning programming concepts at the same time, is included with Raspbian (the Raspberry Pi OS), but it is...

Countdown Timer

This activity is part of a group of projects and activities in Python , that can be used with Raspberry Pi Sense Hat or using the Sense Hat emulator. This resources works well with older or more advanced...

Happy Birthday

In this project, part of the HTML and CSS projects , you’ll be introduced to HTML & CSS by learning how to make your own ...

Python Projects

This series of resources supports the teaching and learning of the computer programming language Python. The series of activities, produced by Code Club have support sheets for each of the activity projects. They are easy to follow and support progression in the learning. The activities require studenst to: *...

Scratch cards

This collection of twelve Scratch cards is designed to provide a quick way to learn how to code using the language Scratch. The front of the card describes to the students what can be done; the back explains how to do it. Each card can be printed and folded to A5 size for use with students. The activities cover how...

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