Resources by STEM Learning

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Travel and carbon footprints

In this challenge students are asked to produce a 10 minute presentation proposing sustainable travel plans for the journey from their school or home to two different event venues. One venue should be within the Greater London area and the other in any UK location.

Teams must show clearly how they arrived at...

Understanding Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence - video collection

This collection of STEM Learning videos explores the world of artificial intelligence, machine learning and computing. Taking a deep dive into AIs place in our world and what the future might hold. AI and machine learning are useful tools, developing rapidly and are around us every day, from ChatGPT, apps on mobile...

Understanding our energy future

Inspired by the Born to Engineer video from Kim Cave-Ayland, an engineer whose work is helping to create a safe, low polluting power source that could change our energy future, this resource supports students to work with data on UK energy consumption, exploring how energy generation is managed and what type of...

Using coaching to enhance science specific professional development for primary teachers

Published in 2015, this research paper indicates that coaching and mentoring are significant features of effective professional learning for teachers. In science education, coaching is occasionally included in professional development for science subject leaders but only very occasionally used in formal subject-...

Virtual visitor guidance templates

Invite a STEM Ambassador in from a specific company or job role to speak to your students by inviting them to virtually 'pop into a lesson'. STEM Ambassadors can talk or show a walk-around video of their lab, office or company.


Visual perception

Astronauts, and especially spacecraft commanders, must take in a huge amounts of information from displays and screens. Small changes in this information might indicate important changes that should be addressed, and missing the signs may have important consequences.

This simple activity challenges students...

What skills can I develop with robotics?

This poster provides examples of the types of skills that you can develop whilst learning robotics, including:

  • problem solving
  • teamwork
  • creativity

When assessment is working

Using a Diamond 9 activity 

Working with a colleague, arrange the cards into a diamond shape, (one card at the top, then three underneath, then five, then three on the next row, with one card at the...

Wildlife habitat

Students from Townley Grammar School for Girls created a product to encourage wildlife into gardens with the assistance of a STEM Ambassador.
Students used principles of good design, based on biomimicry, and commercial sense to make a prototype product for judging that would be commercially viable for a client...

World Cup activities grid

This resource highlights a variety of computing resources which can be adapted and used to inspire football or sports-themed activities. They can be used in the classroom to develop pupil's computing skills and knowledge. It’s not just about sport – these resources can also encourage young learners to think about...


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