Resources by National STEM Learning Centre and Network

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Quick response (QR) codes

Purpose: QR codes are a simple way of providing access to information. The code is a pattern of printed rectangles that can be scanned with the camera in a mobile device to link to either web sites or other sources of information. They can be used to enhance practical science by providing reminders of how to...

Recording field work

Purpose: Digital tools have radically changed the way that fieldwork data can be recorded and saved. There is no longer a need for clipboards and pencils in the field, as digital technology can record details of observations, times, location and images within a single app. This data can be saved to an online data...

Part of the Educational research in STEM subjects collection, this is collection of research papers and reviews of best practice in the STEM subjects.


Part of the Educational research in STEM subjects main collection, this is a collection of academic research looking at assessment in STEM subjects. 



Research: careers

Part of the Educational research in STEM subjects collection, this is a collection of academic research looking at careers in STEM subjects, including students attitudes towards STEM careers.


Part of the Educational research in STEM subjects collection, this is a collection of academic research looking at CPD, retention and...

Research: curriculum models

Part of the Educational research in STEM subjects main collection, this is a collection of academic research looking at curriculum models in STEM subjects. 


Review of Myscience partnership activity with school groups

Published in June 2013, this report from the  National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) sets out the findings from a review of Myscience’s (STEM Learning) partnership activity with school groups. The aim of the study was to identify any opportunities that exist, and the changes and challenges that are...


Rockets (Key Stage Three)

These materials use the land speed record attempt as a context for teaching about the irreversible changes and energy transfers that occur in BLOODHOUND SSC’s rocket engine.

The BLOODHOUND SuperSonic Car (SSC) World...


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