Resources by European Space Agency (ESA)

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Missionstagebuch (Deutsch)

These primary level resources support the Moon Camp Challenge.

These secondary level resources support the Moon Camp Challenge.

The Moon Camp Challenge is an educational and inspirational project run by ESA and Airbus Foundation, in partnership with Autodesk. These supporting classroom activities focus on learning-by-design and science experimentation. Students will develop a number of scientific experiments related to the Moon and apply...

Moon Constitution - How would a future lunar community be organised?

In this activity, pupils will have the opportunity to form opinions and justify their viewpoints by debating the organisational and social characteristics of a future settlement on the moon. Pupils will improve their ability to listen to and learn from others and will take part in democratic decision-making. Pupils...

Moon Rover - Building a solar-powered rover

In this set of two activities, pupils identify and compare types of renewable sources of energy, before being encouraged to identify solar energy as one of the best options for powering a lunar rover. Pupils will learn about the environmental conditions on the moon and learn more about the purpose of lunar rovers...

Moon Shelter

This resource links to science and D&T but in a moon context. Children analyse the importance of having shelter for protection on Earth and in space. They compare the environmental conditions on Earth and on the Moon, then  work together to design and build their own Moon shelter using materials comparable to...

Nose up high in the sky - Observing and measuring weather conditions

In this set of three activities, pupils will learn how their senses and instruments can be used to describe and measure weather conditions. Pupils will learn to identify the weather elements, to observe and record weather conditions and identify local weather processes. They will learn that satellites, computers...

Once upon a time

Join Rosetta and Philae on their journey to rendezvous with a comet in these animated videos. The fairytale begins at launch and follows the comet-chasing duo on their voyage to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Each stage of the mission is...

One year on Earth - Understanding seasons

In this set of two activities, pupils will develop their understanding of seasons and the basic mechanism behind the different seasons on Earth. Pupils will learn that trees look different at different times of the year due to seasons, that seasonal changes can be seen from space and how to analyse images and...


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