Resources by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

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Displaying 351 - 360 of 760

Ignaz Semmelweis: Saviour of Mothers

A Catalyst article about the discovery of puerperal fever by Ignaz Semmelweis a doctor in a maternity ward in Vienna general hospital. The article looks at his observations into death rates and shows how scientists use observations and theories to make practical changes that can improve life. In the case of...

Impact Earth

A Catalyst article about giant asteroids. Astronomers say that, one day, a giant rock from space will collide with the Earth and cause mass devastation. This could lead to the extinction of many species, including humans. The article looks at what can be done to prepare for such an impact and what happened when a...

In the Mountains - Going Up?

This Catalyst article describes how the human body is affected by low atmospheric pressure at high altitudes. The article looks at the dangers that await the unwary traveller and explains how, if people understand their bodies, they can avoid the worst problems of life at high altitudes.

This article is from...

In the Pink: Colour from Carotenes

This Catalyst article explains how in nature, bioamplification causes substances to become more concentrated as they move from eater to eaten along a food chain. This sequence occurs in relation to the concentration of pesticides like DDT along a food chain, and causes problems for those animals, like birds of prey...

In Vitro Fertilisation

A Catalyst article about in vitro fertilisation. About one in six couples gets help from specialists because they cannot conceive. One possibility is to use in vitro fertilisation (IVF). ‘In vitro’ means ‘in glass’ and refers to the fact that fertilisation takes place in a laboratory dish or test tube, hence the...

Infra-red Astronomy

A Catalyst article describing how the VISTA telescope, which is located in Chile, works. It detects infrared radiation - electromagnetic radiation beyond the red end of the spectrum. This has two great benefits:

*The telescope can detect radiation from distant stars which are otherwise hidden behind clouds...

Inherited Diseases

A Catalyst article investigating chromosomes. In particular, the article looks at genes and explains how the chromosomes and genes a human inherits from their parents can cause problems such as sickle-cell anaemia, cystic fibrosis and Huntington’s disease.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review...

Inside the Teenage Brain

This Catalyst article looks at the teenage brain.The way the human brain changes, particularly during adolescence, can be studied using magnetic resonance imaging.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 2.


Insulating ice cream: how to make Baked Alaska

This Catalyst article shows how to make Baked Alaska ice cream. Baked Alaska consists of frozen ice cream and hot meringue and pastry. It helps to understand about thermal conductivity to make this delicious dessert.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2016, Volume 27, Issue 1.


Intensive Crop Production Systems

A Catalyst article explaining how much of the food that humans consume comes from systems in which large numbers of plants or animals are grown under closely controlled conditions, designed to maximise production. When they grow plants as crops farmers intervene in various ways to optimise growth, so that the food...


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