Resources by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

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Plasma Prominences and Cosmic Rays

A Catalyst article about the use of remote telescopes and detecting cosmic rays. Giant telescopes that can be operated remotely are located in Hawaii and Australia and are known as the Faulkes telescopes.

These are available to students in the UK to do original research with, and enable the following...

Plastics Forever?

A Catalyst article discussing how polymers affect every day of people’s lives. With diverse characteristics and applications their usefulness can only be limited by human imagination. Due to polymers’ widespread and varied use a responsible and systematic recycling programme is both economically and environmentally...

Plastics: an Insoluble Problem

A Catalyst article about the problems of recycling plastics. The article looks at novel uses for products made from recycled plastics. It also looks at the make-up of polymers and the history of their manufacture. Finally, alternatives to plastics are examined.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science...

Postgraduate life

This Catalyst article is about Emily Beardon, a postgraduate student. Here, she explains how she became a research student and describes a typical day in the lab.


Predator and Prey - Try This

A Catalyst article about experimenting with waterboatmen and observing how they catch their prey. The equipment required for the activity is described.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2006, Volume 16, Issue 4.

Catalyst ...

Predators, Prey and Populations

A Catalyst article about predators. The article explores some general principles about predator–prey relationships and looks in some detail at the adaptations shown by a predatory insect being used in the control of an insect pest.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2005, Volume 16, Issue 1...

Printing in Three Dimensions

This Catalyst article looks at 3D printing, a new technology which is rapidly finding applications. Although probably too slow for mass production it is useful for producing prototypes and tailor-made items. In a 3D printer, layers of polymer beads are printed one on top of the other. Heat melts the polymer beads...

Probiotics, Prebiotics

A Catalyst article about the human gut and the many microbes it hosts, mainly bacteria. Probiotics are live bacterial ingredients or supplements designed to multiply in the colon and have an impact on health. A prebiotic is a carbohydrate that is not digestible by humans. The article examines the role they play,...

Process Chemistry

A Catalyst article describing how process chemists work in the pharmaceutical industry, devising methods of making new drugs. Process chemists are a link in the chain from an initial idea to a new drug making it to the market. It generally takes at least 10 years from an idea by a medicinal chemist to a new...

Proxima b: our next homeworld?

This Catalyst article explores Proxima B, which is an exoplanet orbiting in one of the nearest star systems to the Solar System. It looks at how estimates of its temperature suggest it might be a suitable target for future human. 

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2017, Volume 27, Issue...


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