Resources by Association for Science Education (ASE)

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This resource is a great stimulus for pupils’ own work with cross-curricular links to science and literacy. It contains a hundred poems by primary and secondary children, selected...

This journal is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Journal from the Association...

News articles provide engaging openers to lessons, help students to understand what scientists do and provide a starting point for debate on current issues. The authors of Science Newswise 2 discuss how the news can support key aims in the science curriculum, and provide teachers with a wealth of practical advice...

Science Passport

This resource published by ASE provides a template for successful bridging activities in the transition between primary and secondary schools. Science Passport offers a choice of investigations and structured follow-ups relevant to school science. The adapted version...

The Association for Science Education set up the SATIS project in 1984, to help teachers relate school science to its social and technological contexts.The units are a model for developing topical lessons...

The Association for Science Education set up the SATIS project in 1984, to help teachers relate school science to its social and technological contexts.The units are a model for developing topical lessons...

The Association for Science Education set up the SATIS project in 1984, to help teachers relate school science to its social and technological contexts.The units are a model for developing topical lessons...

The Association for Science Education set up the SATIS project in 1984, to help teachers relate school science to its social and technological contexts.The units are a model for developing topical lessons...

The Association for Science Education set up the SATIS project in 1984, to help teachers relate school science to its social and technological contexts.The units are a model for developing topical lessons...

Help your pupils develop confidence in the skills that underpin good science...


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