
Year One/Two Summer Term

This resource has been created for mixed age classes working in lower primary years. The two weekly plans support learning about place value, fraction, addition and subtraction and contain differentiated activities for the different year groups, guided tasks and details of resources required for each lesson....

Publication date:
2010 to 2019

2 files

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Year One: Autumn Term. Old Curriculum

This resource from Hamilton Trust contains two weekly plans, teaching sequences and classroom resources. They cover comparing and ordering numbers up to 20 and adding by counting on and partitioning 5. The detailed teaching sequences include differentiated activity ideas, suggested resources and notes on...

Publication date:
2000 - 2009

3 files

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These Hamilton Trust materials for Year One include the medium term teaching sequences, weekly plans and a set of accompanying resources. They are centred around a skills-based primary curriculum which ensures continuity and progression of mathematical skills. The teaching sequences include prerequisites, have an...

Year One: Spring Term. Old Curriculum

This resource from Hamilton Trust contains two weekly plans, teaching sequences and classroom resources. They cover counting and ordering numbers to 100, place value, pairs to 6, 7 and 10 and counting on and back in ones. The detailed teaching sequences include differentiated activity ideas,suggested resources and...

Publication date:
2000 - 2009

3 files

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Year One: Summer Term. Old Curriculum

This resource from Hamilton Trust contains two weekly plans, teaching sequences and classroom resources. They cover counting in tens, place value, pairs to 8, 9 and 10 and add and subtract 10. The detailed teaching sequences include differentiated activity ideas, suggested resources and notes on progression and...

Publication date:
2000 - 2009

3 files

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Year Seven Fractions and Ratio Mini-pack

This unit from the National Strategies is a precursor to the Year Eight multiplicative relationships unit and the Year Nine sequel on proportional reasoning. Together they provide a sequence of core units across the key stage, addressing crucial concepts linking multiplication, division, fractions, ratio and...

Publication date:
2000 - 2009

6 files

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Year Six

The Year Six resources from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (CIMT) are part of the Mathematics Enhancement Programme (MEP) and include pages from the two practice books, each of which covers half of the year, copymasters and comprehensive lesson plans and notes.

Ginn Science students’ books, sometimes referred to as topic books, contain stories, factual features, pictures, cartoons, poems, and other materials that support key ideas, and stimulate discussion and activity. For Year Six there are five titles, each including some suggested activities which may make reference...

Year Six Teachers' Resource File

The Ginn Science Resource File for Year Six is a lengthy file of over 200 pages, revised in 1995 from the file first published in 1991. It describes in detail the rationale for the project, its aims and the content strands and skills which are developed throughout the whole programme. 

The introduction...

Publication date:
1990 - 1999

3 files

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Year Six: Autumn Term. Old Curriculum

This resource from Hamilton Trust contains two weekly plans, teaching sequences and classroom resources. They cover ordering numbers and place value, decimals, area and perimeter. The detailed teaching sequences include differentiated activity ideas, suggested resources and notes on progression and misconceptions...

Publication date:
2000 - 2009

3 files

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