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The Bringing Cutting Edge Science to the Classroom programme evaluation was commissioned in Autumn 2015 to analyse the success of the Cutting Edge programme in delivering its stated aims, and to assess the impact of the programme on participants, their students and colleagues.

The evaluation sought to...

Published in June 2002, this article, by Shirley Simon, looks at applying Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education (CASE) theory to planning and teaching Thinking Science lessons for students with different needs.

Using Thinking Science with mixed-ability classes can be challenging...


This is one of the six Background Books published for Stage I of the Nuffield Chemistry Sample Scheme. The books were highly illustrated and designed to be attractive. This book describes aspects of the history of chemistry by exploring the discovery of the elements...

The aim of this activity is to raise awareness of human interface design issues. In a world where poor design is rife, people have become accustomed to dealing with problems caused by the artifacts with which they interact, sometimes blaming themselves instead of attributing the problems to flawed design. The issue...

The report considers how students aged 15 fared in the APU tests on mathematics topics found in the ‘foundation list’ from the Cockcroft report. The ‘foundation list’ consists of basic mathematical skills such as number, money, percentages, time, use of a calculator, ratio and proportion. The full list appears in...

This book provides a range of easy-to-do magic tricks based on Chemistry, Physics, Engineering and Mathematics.

The video features Richard Garriott on Science and Magic and shows how the properties of ferofluid can exploited to create a magic trick.


This document was written as part of the second phase of the work of the Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS). In this phase the project team was using the lessons from research in the first phase to develop, trial and evaluate alternative teaching strategies aimed at promoting conceptual change.


This booklet examines the development of engineering expertise and makes recommendations on ways to harness, encourage, facilitate and reward it. Covering all Key Stages from Foundation Stage to post-16 and higher education, the booklet states the case for design and technology in schools to encourage an...

The Nuffield Secondary Mathematics core books, provided stimulating investigative tasks for all students in any one year group. In their core work, students were expected to develop skills and use and apply the mathematics which they have learned in their topic work....

This document introduces 'The Crystal' building in the Royal Docks, London which is designed to improve knowledge of urban sustainability.

This resource, published in 1985, was the second in a series of discussion documents published by HM Inspectorate intended to stimulate debate about the National Curriculum in primary and secondary schools. It suggests an approach to teaching a broad, balanced, inclusive curriculum for all students.



The D-Files, produced by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), have been written by science teachers and LEA science advisors, with help from staff, on topics chosen by themselves as being those most appropriate to the Key Stages Three and Four age level. They are intended as a fun activity which...
