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This edition of the Computing at School newsletter focuses on teaching computing in primary schools, and contains articles covering:

*Pedagogy of computing in primary schools

*National curriculum programme of study

*Game design in the primary classroom

*Primary – secondary transition...

This pack of worksheets, produced by the Spode Group, is designed to give students experience in problem solving during the early years of secondary school, and was written in response to publications encouraging the teaching mathematics through problem solving,...

The engineers behind the Watt Nightclub in Rotterdam turn the energy created by clubbers on the dance-floor into power for the lighting. There is even a giant battery to monitor the energy and encourage the crowd to dance more.


This introductory article shows working examples of basic Python programs. It includes:

• Printing to the screen
• Comments
• Simple arithmetic
• Using variables
• Strings and string arrays
• For and While loops
• Random numbers from the Random library
• Creating a...

This resource is designed as an introduction to activities available using a Raspberry Pi computer. The introduction explains:
*what a Raspberry Pi is: a small, affordable yet powerful computer
*what can be learnt from this manual: how to perform simple programming and the basics of computer science...

A podcast from the Planet Earth Online collection and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). Have you ever noticed that when you cross a busy road, as well as clocking the traffic, you subconsciously follow what your neighbours do?

Scientists have recently put a figure on this and worked out that...

The Action Against Stunting (AAS) p...

This document from the Department of Education looks at how the headteacher and teachers at two different secondary schools work together to promote good behaviour. The resource explores strategies including the 'head's breakfast', listening staff, the 'ladder' of detentions, visibility of senior staff and the...

In this Tripled Crossed activity, from the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, students match various nutrient groups with the food groups and consider the nutritional benefits. They are then provided with food cards that cover the kinds of foods eaten in Roman times and...

The Royal Academy of Engineering oversees a number of projects to enhance and enrich the teaching of engineering. This collection contains case studies and details of activities which can be used to encourage pupils to take part in engineering study.

The collection includes:

  • Engineering at the...

Since 1799 the Royal Institution has been introducing new technologies and teaching science to the general public.  Their vision is " A world where everyone is inspired to think more deeply about science and its place in our lives."  They use their iconic Christmas...

The Royal Institution's 2021 Christmas Lecture - Going Viral, will be broadcast on the BBC in late December. Although the specifics of the lectures are a closely guarded secret, STEM Learning have pulled together a collection of resources from the STEM Learning eLibrary that will support...

The Royal Institution's 2022 Christmas Lectures - Secrets of forensic science, were...
