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Aimed at primary level, this book provides a comprehensive range of practical activities relating to Earth and Space, light and astronomy. ‘Hands on’ activities include: creating a lunar landscape, Moon storytelling, modelling a solar eclipse, building a sundial,...

Rockets are used to launch satellites, probes and even astronauts into space. A rocket launch is extremely impressive. Thousands of kilograms are burned in just a few minutes in order to provide the force that the rocket needs in order to overcome the gravity of the Earth. Rockets provide an exciting context to...

Urban Spaces Near You, published by the Nuffield Foundation, was produced by a team led by the Nuffield Primary History Director, Jacqui Dean. The materials have been designed to support learning in history, literacy, art and design and science at Key Stage One and Key...

This resource, aimed at primary level, provides a complete guide to amphibians and reptiles in urban areas, including how to identify them, where to find them and how to create a habitat which encourages them to thrive.

The ID guide includes ideas on where to look to find reptiles and amphibians and tips on...

Each book in this series provides an introduction to an aspect of the natural or scientific world, with lots of information to help answer children's questions about the world around them....

This booklet outlines how assessment for learning can raise achievement in school. Evidence suggests that using good strategies for formative, (day to day) assessment could lead to significant improvements in the performance of pupils.

  • Read section 1 on Learning goals, self-assessment and peer...

This guidance booklet, from the National Strategies collection, was inspired by the documents Inside the black box (Black & Wiliam, 1998) and Assessment for Learning, beyond the black box (Assessment Reform Group, 1999) and outlines how assessment for learning can raise achievement in school....

This Nuffield Primary Science book consists of 11 colourful, and highly illustrated, double-page spreads aimed at students aged 7-9. The book ends with a glossary and index.


This Nuffield Primary Science Teachers’ Guide for teaching the topic Using Energy to students aged 7-12 is divided into five chapters: 

*Chapter 1: Introduction - covering useful strategies, the SPACE approach and links to the National Curriculum

*Chapter 2: Planning - using the resources to plan...

This SMILE resource contains two packs of games, investigations, worksheets and practical activities supporting the teaching and learning of how students use graphs mathematically, from reading information from a graph to using graphs to show distance, velocity and acceleration.

Using graphs pack one...

This QCA document describes through case studies and activities how the P scales can be used in a range of educational settings to assess the progress of students.

The P scales were designed, like the programmes of...

Published by LSIS, this mini mathematics module can be used a short activity in the classroom to introduce the vocabulary needed to describe an object's position. This can lead into a discussion on positions and co-ordinates.

This document from the Department of Education looks at how Stopsley Community Primary School encourages good behaviour by rewarding pupils. The resource explores the school's house point system, resources and support for teachers and their 'red carpet' policy as part of the managing behaviour and bullying in...

This ASE SYCD: Science Year Primary resource presents case studies from two Scottish schools, one small and one large, showing how a variety of technologies has been used with children at all stages of primary schooling.

Simple guidance on how to support your pupils in using the computer to research a topic...

The main aim of the study was to:

*engage students and enhance their learning in mathematics through cross-curricular work with other STEM subjects, using video as a tool to encourage students to:
- reflect on...
