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This is one of a suite of continuing professional development (CPD) units from the Department for Education covering the five ‘key ideas’ at Key Stage Three (cells, interdependence, particles, forces and energy). It links with the...

This is one of a suite of continuing professional development (CPD) units from the Department for Education covering the five ‘key ideas’ at Key Stage Three (cells, interdependence, particles, forces and energy). It links with the 2002 Framework for Teaching Science:...

This is one of a set of resources developed to support the teaching of the primary national curriculum. They are designed to support the delivery of key topics within science, maths and design and technology. This resource focusses on testing how well different shaped structures perform under load.


This Core Maths task introduces the Stroop Effect. Students are asked to design and conduct an experiment to test the effect.

Stroop Effect: Front Sheet
This teacher guidance gives an overview of the task including prior student knowledge, suggested approaches and possible extensions....

Using a case study, students investigate the design of the O2 Dublin building and Stansted Airport in terms of structure. They look specifically at the requirements of the building and the constraints in terms of structural design and also the solution...

In this starter activity, students investigate the design of the O2 Dublin building in terms of structure. They look specifically at the requirements of the building and the constraints in terms of structural design and also the solution provided. This can...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity shows how, when introducing a new way of doing things, it is useful to model how it is likely to work. When comparing the value of money over a period of years, inflation needs to be taken into...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity shows how changing the assumptions which a model is based on can change the way it behaves. It is important to compare predictions from a model to what we know happens in real life. This unit...

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). Understanding the idea of a ‘substance’ is central to making sense of the variety of materials in the world and the way that they change. Research on students’ understanding shows that...

The Nuffield Foundation provide this resource which enables students to carry out significance tests on proportions and test hypotheses about successful applicants to higher education. The data provided on information sheet A is simulated but similar to real data available on the UCAS website. Information sheet B...

This activity enables students to consolidate their knowledge of the properties of two dimensional shapes by working with a variety of stained glass designs. The activity is based on a real life context and designed to aid class discussion about 2D shapes and symmetry. The images in the slideshow can be used to...

This resource from Physicists in Primary Schools (PIPS) supports the teaching of Earth, Sun and Moon...

Aimed at Key Stage Two, this resource looks at variation in the size of body parts and how this may affect performance in sport. Providing curriculum links to PE and the topic animals including humans, it also aims to develop enquiry skills. Follow the character Fizzy as she sets the children a series of questions...

In this first activity of the Superpillars Assemble, pupils watch a video to learn about butterflies, moths and their habitats and the threat posed by humans and other predators. They also learn various movements to perform the caterpillar dance with an optional mask children can decorate and wear. Through a...

There are a series of 8 sided polygons for which the areas are to be calculated. The area of each one turns out to be the same. This provides a lead in to asking how the...
