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This activity asks students to consider the biology of cancer, and to use the information they research to produce a document summarising their main points. Dr Eleanor Stride is developing a treatment for cancer that encloses cancer treating drugs in bubbles that can be directed by magnetic fields to the cancer...

Produced for Future Morph, these resources include a video and a classroom activity. In the video, two First Diploma in Horticulture students show how they repot plants and describe the display they helped to produce for the Devon County show. A classroom activity encourages students to clone a plant by taking...

Produced for Future Morph, these materials contain a video clip showing a student talking about his National Diploma course in Sport and Exercise Science. He describes how science, physiology and psychology are important aspects of his studies as well as the careers his course can lead on to.


This video introduces a reliable technique to demonstrate tissue culture and totipotency, and shows how best to use this protocol with your students.

Unlike animal cells, many plant cells are totipotent, meaning that...

Produced in 2014, this resource looks at cell signalling when the hormone adrenaline binds to receptors on the surface of the target cell. The resource sheets describe how the original hormonal signal is amplified through a cascade reaction.


Born in London to parents who emigrated from Ghana, Charlotte Armah's scientific work may have very obvious benefits for us all. She leads experiments involving human volunteers to learn whether eating particular foods, especially broccoli, can protect us from diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer....

Aimed at primary learners, this resource provides a lesson which links to the classification of plants and animals. Based around a series of captivating educational films, it looks at the reasons why we classify living things and how we classify...

The IET DIY Faraday Challenge Day ‘Smart Cycle’ is a DIY STEM activity day but it could be adapted to be run as a suite of lessons. The aim of this challenge is to introduce students to cutting edge technology which engineers are, and will be using in the future and this challenge will work best if you have access...

This play follows a school child on a day of being healthy, though everything around her makes it easy to be unhealthy! Temptations include: sugary cereal aimed at children, fast food shops on the...

This short film clip follows primary school teacher, Danny, as he demonstrates a practical experiment which recreates the digestion process in the classroom. Using household items such as paper cups, orange juice and a pair of tights, this demonstration enables children to visualise the process of digestion in an...

Donald Palmer's job involves studying, and teaching others how, the human body protects itself from infections and malfunctions, including cancer. He is especially interested in the way the immune system changes with age, and examines the surfaces of human cells using chemicals and instruments.

As a child...

This resource aimed at 9-11 year olds, provides a video showing  Edward Jenner's work on developing a vaccine for smallpox over 200 years ago. A follow-up activity explores how modern-day scientists make sure a new vaccine works and is safe. Children use what they have learned to...

