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These resources, developed by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme in partnership with the Association for Science Education, are aimed at newly qualified secondary science teachers and their mentors. Originally published as a CD-ROM, the resources provide training activities and materials that can be used in a...


The cell is the building block of life. Each of us starts from a single cell, a zygote, and grows into a complex organism made of trillions of cells....

This Catalyst article looks at the noble gases (Group 0 or 8 in the periodic table) which are almost inert. This article shows how they were discovered through the use of fractional distillation and looks at their chemical and physical properties.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2011,...

This booklet examines the development of engineering expertise and makes recommendations on ways to harness, encourage, facilitate and reward it. Covering all Key Stages from Foundation Stage to post-16 and higher education, the booklet states the case for design and technology in schools to encourage an...

This document introduces 'The Crystal' building in the Royal Docks, London which is designed to improve knowledge of urban sustainability.

This is one of the 14 Background Books published for Stage III of the Nuffield Chemistry Sample Scheme. The books were highly illustrated and designed to be attractive. This book is historical and traces the discovery of the group of elements that we now call the ‘noble gases’.

There are three parts to this...

This Catalyst article investigates how humans can misjudge the weights of small dense objects and large, light objects and how their perception of weight is easily fooled.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 24, Issue 3.


The object of this resource, produced by ESA and ESO, is to present various small projects that will pass on some of the excitement and satisfaction in scientific discovery, to students. Using elementary geometrical and physical considerations, students will be able to derive answers that are comparable with the...

This podcast from the Planet Earth Online collection and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) looks at how scientists plan to measure the Earth's magnetic field from space, why one researcher is in the frozen town of Churchill in northern Canada, and how the Chernobyl disaster still affects Northern...

This Catalyst article investigates the Ebola outbreak. Defeating the outbreak of the viral disease Ebola in 2014-15 required great medical effort. Antidotes and vaccines are under development.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2015, Volume 26, Issue 1.


The Eduspace Image Catalogue Viewer offers access to ArcExplorer which is a freeware used to display and analyse layers of Geographical Information Systems (GIS).  ArcExplorer is a geographic data explorer developed by Environmental Systems...
