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ENTHUSE Partnership funding enables groups of four to eight schools and colleges to work together, with support from STEM Learning on a two-year intensive programme to raise aspiration and achievement in STEM subjects. Each Partnership can access up to £20,000 worth of support, including face-to-face CPD, in-school...

This UNESCO publication draws on a wide range of research into pedagogical approaches that aim to engage learners and lead to desirable outcomes in mathematics. The report looks to deepen the understanding of educational practices that optimise opportunities for mathematics learners.

The report aims to...

This UNESCO booklet summarizes the mathematics chapter from the 'Handbook of research on improving student achievement', published by the Educational Research Service.

The handbook highlights research on effective teaching and learning practices. The practices included reflect both emerging strategies and...

This research guide provides suggestions for teachers  looking to improve fraction instruction in their classrooms or schools. The recommendations are based on scientific research, along with the expertise and experience of successful mathematics educators, and include a variety of classroom activities and teaching...

In this booklet, Reinhard Pekrun draw upon empirical evidence to address the emotions experienced by students at school. He discusses the nature and diversity of these emotions, their function on student’s learning, their individual antecedents, ways to regulate these emotions, and the influence on teachers,...

The purpose of this booklet is to offer guiding principles about learning in the twenty-first century. It is intended for teachers, curriculum designers, school leaders, and others involved in all levels of school education and can be used for any age group, as the principles it contains are general enough to be...

This booklet, draws on research and experience to presents eight key principles of creative thinking that are interlinked and interrelated and equally important for nurturing creativity in the educational context.

Creative thinking is defined as the thinking that enables students to apply their...

There is widespread agreement about the importance of mathematics for individuals and for wider society. The Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) believes that all students should receive high quality mathematics teaching from teachers who are themselves professional learners. A world-class education...

A policy report produced by the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education which argues that the key issues for the future of primary mathematics learning and teaching can only be addressed in primary schools if there is suitable provision of continuing professional development (CPD). In view of this, ACME...

This summary was produced by the Department for Education in 2012 to support schools with their behaviour policy. This document summarises the legal powers and duties that govern behaviour and attendance in school at the time of writing, and explains how they apply to teachers, governing bodies, pupils and parents...

The purpose of the study, produced by the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) was to inform the establishment of the planned National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), but it is also hoped that this report of the study will be viewed as a useful contribution to the on-...

This report, published in March 2012 by the National Foundation for Educational Research,
presents the findings of an evaluation of the Wellcome Trust’s Camden Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Initiative which provided funding to eight Camden schools to develop interdisciplinary...

In 2015 the What Works Clearinghouse released a review confirming the findings of a study of the Fractions Face-Off! Programme. The review found that students who were severely at risk for low mathematics achievement made significant gains using two versions of Fractions Face-Off! as compared to a set of...

Charlie Taylor’s Behaviour Checklists, Getting the Simple Things Right, look at the simple things that should be put in place to create good behaviour for learning. It includes the two lists 'key principles for headteachers to help improve school behaviour' and 'behaviour checklist for teachers'.

This report published by the Nuffield Foundation in January 2012 provides an up-to-date picture of the scale of UK foundation resources devoted to international development. It also identifies how these resources are distributed across region and need, and how foundations approach international funding activities...
