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This bulletin, the second edition in the series published by the Schools Council, reports on the many changes that were happening generally in primary schools and specifically in mathematics teaching. The period under review follows the publication of the Mathematical...

Sci-Hi teaches science in digestible chunks of information, along with clear introductions and summaries of important content in each chapter, encourage reluctant and struggling readers to approach, read, and learn important...

This collection of science resources is from the evolving Government agencies that have maintained and developed the National Curriculum and associated assessments, tests and examinations, advising the Secretary of State for Education on these matters.


Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS) works with teachers to help them to bring plant science alive. This is done by working with curriculum developers, producing useful teaching resources, enabling teachers to share ideas, and encouraging plant scientists to get involved in education and outreach.


Science 3-6: Laying the Foundation in the Early Years is an edited collection of chapters about the teaching of science to children aged three to six years. Published by the ASE in 2000, it aimed to describe and promote good practice in science education in early childhood. Its nine chapters were written by...

This publication, from Her Majesty's Stationery Office, sets out the government’s priorities for science education as expressed by them in 1985. It builds on the outcomes of a consultation on the document ‘Science Education in Schools’, which was published in 1982. It seeks to establish the principle of ‘Science...

The Handbook is designed to guide Science Co-ordinators as they support the development of the science curriculum in their schools. It does this by helping co-ordinators to:
*understand the SPACE approach
*introduce the SPACE approach in their schools

This series ties into many different school science topics and will teach students a huge amount about science without feeling textbook-like. ...

An ASE SYCD: Science Year Primary resource which provides almost everything you need to help you run an exciting and successful science fair in your school. Themes include Living It Up, Magic Materials, Fabulous Forces, Superb Sound, Lovely Light and Excellent Electricity. Lots of advice on how to plan and organise...

The Teaching Primary Science book Science from water play contains many suggestions for organisation and for activities arising from water play with infants to more structured investigations of floating and sinking with older children. It discusses equipment and...

The Teaching Primary Science book Science from Wood was intended to complement the two texts in the Science 5/13 series Working with wood, stages one and...

A collection of early years science resources designed to help early years practitioners support children in their early stages of learning science. The resources include activities, games and educational display materials.


A study published in 2016 in Educational Researcher looks at the profile of science achievement gaps to the age of 14. The researchers used data from the US Early Childhood Longitudinal Study,
Kindergarten Class of 1998-1999 (ECLS-K), which followed 7,757 children from kindergarten (Year 1) to eighth...

Science and Literacy was written by people from the Nuffield Primary Science Project and the Exeter Extending Literacy Project at a time when there was renewed emphasis on teaching about literacy in primary schools. The approach recommended in the book is based on the...
