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In this video from Osiris Educational Bill Rodgers discusses his...

Students who refuse to follow instructions are among the most...

The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordinating Centre (EPPICentre) was commissioned by the Wellcome Trust to undertake this systematic review of research about subject choice. The main aim of the review was to examine the factors that influence the STEM subject choices of young people (14-19...

To celebrate the 2024 Summer Olympic games we have created this collection of resources covering a variety of sporting activities and technology in sport topics. There is a collection for primary level and another with activities suitable for secondary students. 

This report, published by the Science and Engineering Education Advisory Group in January 2012, addresses many of the challenges and opportunities arising in implementation of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) as it affects the delivery of STEM education and engagement. It examines the ways in which STEM...

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) has the goal of helping countries make informed decisions about how to improve teaching and learning in mathematics and science. This report summarizes the results of the TIMSS 2011 international mathematics assessment of fourth and eighth grade students...

This article, from the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) publication ‘Mathematics Teaching’, and is taken from MT231.

Jenni Back, Colin Foster, Jo Tomalin, John Mason, Malcolm Swan and Anne Watson set out to resolve the issue of ‘Tasks and their place in mathematics teaching and learning’ by ‘...

Launched in 2005 and funded by the Department for Education, Teachers TV was originally a television channel which aimed to provide support for both new and experienced teachers, school leaders, support staff and governors. Many of the programmes were filmed inside real classrooms, with teachers sharing good...

The Nuffield Mathematics Project Teachers' Guides cover the topics of computation and structure, shape and size, and graphs leading to algebra. The books do not cover years, or indeed any specific time; they simply develop themes and therefore show the teacher how to allow one child to progress at a different pace...

This report is the result of HMI monitoring the first year of the implementation of the National Curriculum in mathematics in Key Stages One and Three. Evidence was collected on visits made during the year by primary and mathematics specialists to 291 primary schools, 20 middle schools and 373 secondary schools....

This is the second report on the implementation of mathematics in the National Curriculum. It is based on HMI visits to schools during the school year 1990-91, focusing on the second year of implementation in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 3, and on the first year of implementation in Key Stage 2. Evidence was collected...

The Royal Society is a an independent scientific academy in the UK, dedicated to promoting excellence in science.

This collection of resources from the Royal Society contains a variety of activity types and themes, such as why a career in science is for me, inspiring scientists and climate change, and the...

The story so far, from the Nuffield Mathematics Project, attempts to summarise some of the early Teachers’ Guides. References are also made to Desk calculators and Space. The purpose of the book was two-...

These activities, from the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) publication ‘Thinking for Ourselves’, provide a variety of contexts in which students are encouraged to think for themselves.

Activity 1: In the bag – More or less requires students to record how many more or...

This article, from the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) publication ‘Mathematics Teaching’, and is taken from MT227. Ian Thompson reviews the evidence of effective practice in the teaching of early arithmetic found by Ofsted and published in the document...
