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In this activity students explore the idea of correlation. The resource contains an overview, teacher guidance, data sheet and handouts. The activity provides an introduction to correlation, showing the basis of Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient, but also...

At the launch of Core Maths in June 2014 Paul Glaister was quoted as saying:

“Core Maths is the most significant development in post-16 mathematics education in a generation”

Find out about the experiences that led to this view and how Paul has been involved in supporting Core Maths. 

This Core Maths activity explores a range of percentage calculations and the interpretation of the results. The calculations involve finding percentages of amounts, percentage change and reverse percentage problems.

A set of answers to the questions is provided.


To complete this Core Maths students need to be familiar with financial concepts including taxation, National Insurance, and buying and selling shares.

The assessment task os based on the use of...

In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit, students analyse simple number 'tricks', and explain how they work, using algebra. They then try to create their own variants of the trick, making it more impressive. Students will: develop an understanding of linear expressions and equations; make simple conjectures...

In this activity students create a graphical ready reckoner to assess physical fitness. The challenge is to construct the ready reckoner and ultimately use it in practical situations. Students are required to plot straight line graphs.


From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics for Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that coffee cools gradually because it is hotter than room temperature and heat is lost to the room. Mixing the coffee with milk also cools it but this effect is...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by MEI, this series of activities explores how mechanical oscillations are important in many areas of everyday life. Sometimes they are useful, for example the motion of the suspension on a car, sometimes they...

This activity helps learners become aware of the importance of maths in their vocational area and use mathematical language to describe aspects of a job role. Learners may need support to use appropriate mathematical vocabulary and may require a list or glossary of mathematical terms relevant to their vocational...

The first of three RISP activities exporing polynomials, The Gold and Silver Cuboid requires students to find a connection...

This resource contains seven activities related to population statistics.

Data Assessment...

Published in 2012 by the Advisory Committee for Mathematics Education (ACME) this report states, ‘There is a wide consensus amongst politicians, employers, higher education tutors and others that students in England should, like their counterparts in the vast majority of other countries, continue to study...

Provided by the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME), these resources respond to Michael Gove’s speech at the Royal Society in June 2011, and to recommendations in reports such as Mathematical Needs and Is the UK an Outlier? They set out a strategy for dramatically increasing participation in Post-16...

This engineering resource, produced by Mathematic in Education and Industry (MEI) for the Royal Academy of Engineering, asks the question: how can you predict future power requirements? Students are required to complete a table by substituting values into a formula and plot a graph. The activity offers good...

The fourth and final Royal Society ‘state of the nation’ report considers the ‘pool’ of the UK’s 16–19 year old students taking mainstream science and mathematics combinations suitable for entry to higher education. It makes three major points about these students.

• The size of this ‘pool’ is critical to...
