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The focus of this activity is on the principle of hydrodynamics through testing boat hull designs in a test tank.

This activity gives students the opportunity to explore and develop their critical thinking and decision making skills through a practical approach....

Ready, set go! Playing sport is a fundamental part of our society, but how will it change in the future? Which new technologies and innovations will help us to get the most out of our favourite activities?

Chris Holmes is a sports technologist for sports equipment manufacturer Adidas. This Department for Education clip is useful in showing students how a career such as this relies on a background of STEM study. Chris describes how he specialises in the development of sports balls. His job is to investigate the best...

This Practical Action resource presents a fun hands-on and brains-on challenge for Key Stages Two to Five.

The problem:...


This document from the Department of Education looks at how teachers at schools in the White Horse Federation lead by example to encourage good behaviour and academic achievement. The resource explores strategies including teacher induction on behaviour, language skills and celebrating diversity, as part of the...

Starters for STEM consists of lots of easy to run activities suitable for children from 4-11. Designed for parents to use at home they help children develop their science, technology, engineering and maths skills. These activities are easy-to-resource and provide children with the stimulus to talk about the world...

A Catalyst article looking at strategies for ensuring that there is a plentiful food supply in the future and how this can be sustained.

The article looks at three main areas for scientific investigation:


*Pest control

*Genetic modification

It also looks at...

We know that sometimes it can be difficult to visualise what STEM Ambassadors actually do.

Even after speaking to colleagues who are old hands at delivering activities, questions can still remain. Why do I need to meet the teacher first? What if the students are bored? How do I make it relevant? Where do I...

Stephanie Kwolek invented the tough polymer Kevlar, used in protective clothing and developed a method for demonstrating the production of nylon in the classroom which is still used today.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 1.



This resource by Pedagogics explores subtle adjustments to teacher's language in order to be less emotive, more objective-led and promote progress.

Stop the spread is a new STEM challenge for students aged 7 to 16. Highlighting the global issue of infectious disease students design, build and test a model of a hand washing device and produce educational materials for children in Kenya to encourage hand washing. It is accredited for the British Science...

This set of resources provide a series of three activities based around teaching of healthy eating, including: balanced diets, reducing food waste, packaging and supply. Designed to make children think about the day to day issues faced by farmers, these activities include:

  • Exploring all elements of a...
