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The development of the jet engine is engineering at its most extreme. In this activity, students analyse data to choose materials with suitable properties for different parts of the jet engine.  


In this SATIS Revisited resource, students examine data, perform a risk assessment, and see how risks are sometimes reported in the media.

This unit focuses on the consumer and considers whether or not we should be concerned about any pesticide residues that may be found on fruit and vegetables. In the first...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics for Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that coffee cools gradually because it is hotter than room temperature and heat is lost to the room. Mixing the coffee with milk also cools it but this effect is...

In this series of activities, students work in teams, learn about engineering by taking on different roles and learn how physics applies in the context of planning a music...

This resource from Siemens encourages students to think about medical diagnosis and how information can assist the doctor in being effective and accurate. Students are asked to suggest ideas about the characteristics of a useful image to support a medical diagnosis. They then look at the properties of sound, how...

This activity supports learning in English and Art using the context of Edward Jenner’s work on testing a vaccine on James Phipps.  Children compare a number of artworks depicting Dr Jenner vaccinating James Phipps. As an optional extension activity, they discuss the use of artistic...

This resource by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC) puts curriculum science into real-world contexts and provides a cross-curricular approach to salt.

Children undertake a range of hands-on investigations that look at the use of salt. This includes the use of salt to treat icy roads and...

The aim of this experiment is for students to be able to determine for themselves the threshold voltage needed to activate a range of LEDs of different colours. From these values, combined with a knowledge of the wavelengths of each LED, students can plot a graph to determine a value for Planck’s constant. The...

The Science upd8 activity set in the context of the universe. Earlier missions failed to find life on other planets. Is it still worth looking? Can we justify the expense of the search for extra terrestrial intelligence? Students will be deciding just how likely intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy is.

Within this resource, learners will work in groups of four, use their mathematical skills and scientific knowledge to help plan for an expedition to the Antarctic in 3 sessions.  They will consider the appropriate clothing, food and other essential equipment they will need to take with them.  Learners will also use...

These Key Stage Three National Strategy training materials from the Department for Education are designed to run a session with science teachers on helping students make progress in lessons - intended to follow their Subject Leaders' attendance at a Planning and...

These Key Stage Three National Strategy training materials from the Department for Education are designed to run a session with school science department Subject Leaders with overall responsibility for the Key Stage Three science scheme of work.


The poster ‘Plant Pathogens – Identification’ illustrates diagnostic tests that are commonly used to identify plant pathogens in the lab and in the field.

The poster is accompanied by a presentation, which can be used as a step-by-step walkthrough of the ideas in the poster.

The poster ‘Plant Pathogens: Control’ illustrates the many ways that we control plant pathogens, from polyculture farming to controlling the import of plants.The poster is accompanied by a presentation, which can be used as a step-by-step walk-through of the ideas in the poster. Full teaching notes are given,...
