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In this activity students take on the role of Earth observation scientists submitting a request for an image they would like for their research. This gives them the opportunity to consider the possibilities of pictures taken from orbit (and the limitations) and to write scientifically for a specific audience. It...

In this activity students take on the role of Earth observation scientists submitting a request for an image they would like for their research. This gives them the opportunity to consider the possibilities of pictures taken from orbit (and the limitations) and to write scientifically for a specific audience. It...

This Core Maths task explores how standardised scores can be used to make comparisons.

The materials include a list of pupils and their marks in different subjects. They also contain the mean and standard deviation scores for each subject. By standardising the scores the...

In this lesson, students investigate the claim that using a Nintendo Wii computer game is a good way to keep fit and that people, therefore, should be encouraged to use them. They compare how their resting pulse rate changes when they have been playing a normal games...

This resource from the IET Faraday programme, supported by MEI and Tomorrow's Engineers, provides students with the opportunity to explore the mathematics behind wind turbines, including fractions, ratio and solving equations.

"A wind turbine is a device that converts the wind's...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), allows students to investigate the uses of communications technology in the modern world. There is an opportunity to audit the students’ skills such as visualisation or map-reading to form a scale...

This engineering activity, suitable for children in computing lessons, looks at the basics of flowchart construction. Simple examples, such as the decisions made by a dog chasing a stick, are used to make flowchart representation of algorithms accessible to younger children. A simple design activity requires...

In this activity children are introduced to a challenge: setting up a yoghurt cafe. They then learn to name and recognise a range of 2D shapes and then use their learning to design a logo for their business.

This is the first in a series, which involves lessons which look at healthy eating, D&T parts of...

In this activity children create their fruit flag yoghurt that they have designed, using the ingredients that they have chosen. As well as practising cutting, measuring and mixing skills children can apply maths skills in a real-life context. This is the fourth in a series of activities where children work towards...

In this activity children are introduced to the idea of market research as an engaging and meaningful context for Maths learning. Through this, they learn how to design a simple survey to understand their potential pizzeria customers’ preferences and construct a pictogram to display their findings.

This is...

In this activity children set up their pizzerias and practise working with money and paying for items using different combinations of coins. To add more real-life context, this stage could be completed as an after school event that parents could be invited to.

This is the seventh in a series of activities...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

The Fibonacci sequence is an example of a linear recurrence relation (LRS). A matrix is used to calculate future terms, as well as running the sequence backwards to see how many zeroes appear. Algebra is used to prove the...

This resource challenges students to design an energy plan for an island so that it can become self-sufficient and to consider not only how but also why they might want to do that. Students must design an energy supply system for the island that does not rely on fossil fuels. As well as making decisions about how...
