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Students test crystal (alum) deodorants using either a red cabbage indicator or a universal indicator. The universal indicator suggests that the deodorant reacts as an acid, whereas the red cabbage suggests that the deodorant reacts as a base. What is happening here?

This resource can be used with different...

Rockets are used to launch satellites, probes and even astronauts into space. A rocket launch is extremely impressive. Thousands of kilograms are burned in just a few minutes in order to provide the force that the rocket needs in order to overcome the gravity of the Earth. Rockets provide an exciting context to...

These resources from the European Space Agency climate change initiative education resource pack allow students to learn how a built up environment can lead to the urban heat island effect, so called urban hotspots. This phenomenon leads to temperature rises in cities that exceed those in surrounding rural...


This booklet outlines how assessment for learning can raise achievement in school. Evidence suggests that using good strategies for formative, (day to day) assessment could lead to significant improvements in the performance of pupils.

  • Read section 1 on Learning goals, self-assessment and peer...

This guidance booklet, from the National Strategies collection, was inspired by the documents Inside the black box (Black & Wiliam, 1998) and Assessment for Learning, beyond the black box (Assessment Reform Group, 1999) and outlines how assessment for learning can raise achievement in school....


[b]Functions and their derivatives:[/b] the objective of this activity is to develop skills in working with functions, their derivatives and function notation. The suggested activity begins by asking students to explain what is meant by f'(3) and what is the difference between f(2) and f'(2). There follows a...

This collection of Level 1 resources from Nuffield Mathematics covers Using data. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in Foundation Level GCSE and Level 1 Functional Mathematics. 


This resource provides a lesson in which children understand and use negative numbers in the context of
temperatures. Looking at the temperatures of different cities, they find missing temperatures and temperature differences. Temperature scales are provided which could help children who need a visual...

