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This strategy game is a twist on the classic ‘Dots and Boxes’ but with no restrictions on the number of sides of the shape. Players take turns and the challenge is to try and enclose the greatest area possible. This resource is suitable for Key Stage 3.

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This Science upd8 activity draws on clinical trials. Eight young volunteers had been in clinical trials before, but this time things went horribly wrong. Six of the eight were left fighting for their lives. In this discussion activity students consider whether new treatments should be ever tested on human...

These three activities, from Centre of the Cell, demonstrate how double blind trials are run, explaining what a placebo is and how the placebo effect works, how bias is removed as far as possible and how participants and trial medicines are randomised. Through these activities, students investigate the placebo...

This activity, for two players, is based upon the game of boxes. Students are presented with a partially completed game, with double brackets to expand correctly in order to gain extra edges. Solutions are at the bottom of the page for a player's opponent to check the validity of the solution. A correct answer...

The Double Crossed project was developed by the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust as a collaboration between science and history teachers to produce cross-curricular resources.

The project aim was to make science learning more accessible, effective and enjoyable by...

Developed by the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, the Double and Triple Crossed projects aimed to bring science and history together to increase engagement in science through topic based, contextualised learning.

The project enabled thirteen science and history...

Act 1

A video shows two pairs of sunglasses, each with 50%...

A Catalyst article about the working life of Dr Gillian Lockwood, a reproductive biologist who specialises in IVF. The article looks at the ethical issues surrounding fertility treatments for problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2007, Volume 17, Issue...

This Pedagogics resource displays a quote from Dr Haim Ginott entitled "I have come to a frightening conclusion".

An ecologist is a biologist who studies the relationship between organisms and their environment. A Levels: Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Maths


This logic problem involves two activities exploring what initially appear to be conflicting statements. In the first problem, a teacher draws horses on a sheet of paper and holds the sheet up to the class, asking ‘how many horses do you see altogether’. One student replies ‘three’ and is told correct, the second...

The Top, Side and Front views of shapes are given. The challenge is to make the shapes using cubes. As an extension, 3D representations of the shapes can be drawn on isometric paper. This resource is suitable for Key Stage 3 and could be used as an extension of the topic of 2D representations of 3D shapes.


These diagnostic questions and response activities (contained in the zip file) support students in being able to:

  • Identify in which fluid an object has the biggest drag force
  • Describe how streamlining reduces drag force        
  • Explain why the drag force on an object increases with...

Collision Course is a comedy play from the Association for Science Education (ASE) and it involves spaceships, gods and the laws of physics! The play follows the attempt of spaceships to save the world from an incoming meteor despite the unintentional interference of the gods.

Drama is very popular with...

Footprints, provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE) focuses around the science of genetics. The play was commissioned by British Association of the Advancement of Science (BA) and developed by the Amoeba Theatre Company.

It was premiered at the National Portrait Gallery in March 2002.

