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Electronics and A.C. is one of the titles in the series of ASE Lab Books that were published in the early 1970s for the Association for Science Education. Each title brought together the best of the teaching notes and experimental ideas from members of the association...

This collection supports the release of the new novel by Simon Mayo called Itch. The book, published by Random House Children's Books, is about a boy who loves science, collects elements and discovers a new element. The collection contains a selection of eLibrary resources which can be used to support the teaching...

A person is shown rolling down a hill, pausing, and then running back up the hill. The task is to draw a graph of their elevation against time. The graph contains increasing, decreasing, and constant sections.

Elevation video


A paper plane is thrown from the balcony of a house. The plane initially gains height before curving as it falls to the ground. The challenge is to graph the elevation of the plane against time. The resulting graph is non-linear.

Elevation of plane video


This publication, from Warwick University, reports on the STEM Careers Awareness Timeline Pilot. The Timeline project seeks to establish how schools can embed a more systematic programme of careers awareness into the existing subject curriculum. The report gives emerging findings from working with stakeholders and...

This intermediate-level guide shows how BASH scripts can be used to handle files and to integrate other programming languages such as Perl. String manipulation features heavily in the exercises. A challenge is set to use a Python program along with a shell script.

This Powerpoint presentation from the May 2016 Research Conference looks at the issues facing teachers in using evaluation in their CPD activities and illustrates how to do this more effectively.

Author: Irina Kudenko

Many patients that present in A&E do not have a disease but have become unwell due to the abuse of a substance such as
alcohol. In this lesson, students learn the effects of recreational drugs and also how hospitals tackle this. A link is made back to the first lesson in order to consider infection control...

Cell structure and function. This Science upd8 activity focuses on the medical careers students could pursue, by applying knowledge about cells, tissues and organs and their science skills.

Students take on the role of a hospital Family Liaison Officer who has to research various aspects of cell biology and...

This Nuffield task is to design an emergency shelter, using a 4m x 3m rectangular piece of tent material, to protect three people from wind and rain.

The key processes developed include:


This activity sheet is based on the Inventive Podcast.  It introduces a disaster risk engineer Josh Macabuag, and links his work to a physics topic. The activity sheet also supports Careers Benchmark 4: Careers in the curriculum by introducing a career and role model. There are also links to short audio clips of...

A short starter activity for students of all ages. It would make a good introduction to lessons on robotics or artificial intelligence and could spark a discussion on how neural networks might be used to create human-like behaviour. Equally, when discussing HCI design, it might move the debate beyond keyboard and...
