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This collection from the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health offers an integrated, structured cross-curricular programme of learning and teaching about how to develop a balanced lifestyle. The programme runs from Early Years through to lower Secondary and includes activity worksheets, teachers' notes,...

It can be a bit daunting to decide how or where to start when writing a departmental plan for practical work. You could use this PowerPoint to lead CPD during a departmental meeting. The notes under the slides explain how to carry out the activities. As you work through the PowerPoint it will support you to get the...

The planning tool bookmark is a useful resource for teachers to put into their planning folders as it has questions for teachers to ask themselves when planning practical activities.

This collection of Getting Started resources will help you to set up the V&A Challenge with your students. Getting Started focuses your students on establishing a design team. The downloadable resources provide ideas for mini team challenges that your students can take part in to help them begin their creative...

This micro:bit resource explains how the on board buttons and sensors can be controlled, using the micro:bit visual Makecode – blocks.

The resources explains how to control:

  • On board buttons
  • Light sensor
  • Temperature sensor
  • Magnetic field sensor and compass
  • ...

Charlie Taylor’s Behaviour Checklists, Getting the Simple Things Right, look at the simple things that should be put in place to create good behaviour for learning. It includes the two lists 'key principles for headteachers to help improve school behaviour' and 'behaviour checklist for teachers'.

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:

*Computing curriculum change

*Programming pedagogy

*Database Detectives, a Digital School House resource

*Unplugged computing

*Scratch in the primary classroom

*Real robotics – outreach from...

This booklet, which is part of a series, seeks to address support and provision for gifted and talented (G&T) students who are either underachieving or at risk of underachieving. The focus of...

This booklet is one of a series published by the National Strategies to support improved provision for gifted and talented students, especially those who are underachieving or are at risk of...

This DCSF booklet offers more detail in identifying and supporting children who are highly able with sensory impairment, learning problems, conduct issues and/or disabilities.  The booklet offers guidance on:

  • Identifying children with DME
  • Supporting children with DME in ordinary schools
  • ...

Act 1

A speeded up video shows a car boot being loaded with...

Girls are under-represented in physics post-16. In 2006 the Institute of Physics published the results of a review that sought to identify causes of this serious issue.

Following publication of the research findings, the Institute produced a teachers' guide and two video films that explored ways in which...

Several research reports exploring causes of girls' under-representation in physics, and suggesting possible approaches to tackling this issue.

'Girls in the Physics Classroom: Review of Research on Girls'...

Several publications for teachers that draw from the findings of research into strategies to increase girls' participation in physics post-16.

'Girls in the Physics Classroom: A Teachers' Guide for Action'

This guide was produced as a result of the Institute of Physics' 2006 research review into girls...
