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The activities in this book from Polygon Resources focus on shape and space. They are particularly designed to give students experience of designing and making solid objects and time to consolidate their ideas about solid shapes and their properties. Many of the activities require practical equipment such as...

The activities in this book from Polygon Resources focus on the concepts of area and perimeter. The approach taken can help students use mathematical language, take responsibility for selecting materials and to develop greater rigour in their mathematical reasoning.

Paper Cut Outs asks...

The activities in this book from Polygon Resources focus on fractions and decimals. They are intended to give experience of meeting fractions and decimals in a range of different contexts.

Designing Tiles investigates tiles that can be divided up into different fractions.


The activities in this book from Polygon Resources focus on number and encourage students to develop and refine their own methods of calculation, and offer opportunities for practice of arithmetic skills.

Counter Grid is an investigation into the different totals that can be made by addition...

While these activities from Polygon Resources focus largely on line symmetry, some lead on to rotational symmetry. Although much of the work in this booklet relates to two dimensional shapes, there are opportunities to extend into three dimensions. The need to think of planes of symmetry rather than lines is a way...

This series of booklets from Polygon Resources deal with a range of mathematical topics appropriate for use during Key Stage Two and Three. Although the activities and notes refer to individual attainment targets, the authors make it clear that in their view mathematics is an integrated subject.

For each...

This report looks at hands-on practical science in secondary schools and uses an international study to answer the question ‘What does good look like?’. Using a  model of...

These diagnostic questions and response activities (contained in the zip file) support students in being able to:

  • Recall that people have both physical health and mental health, which can range from good to ill.

  • Identify factors associated with good and ill physical health in...

Good career guidance helps inspire students towards further study and enables them to make informed decisions whenever choices are open to them. It helps them to understand enough about the world of work to know what skills they need to succeed.


The activities in this book from Polygon Resources focus on probability, but have links to other areas. Through the activities students are encouraged to develop their own games with appropriate time to work on them and test out their hypotheses.

Horse Race asks students to investigate...

The focus of the activities in this book from Polygon Resources is algebra and provides students with experience of finding and explaining rules by writing down what they notice in words.

Repeating Patterns introduces the idea of prediction based on known patterns.


An interactive resource from the Association for Science Education (ASE) that introduces nutrition, and offers students the chance to have their say on healthy eating. Students research different nutrients and their sources, before making changes to a player's favourite...

Students can see sound vibrations through these practical and engaging experiments. 


GAIM is a teacher assessment scheme for Key Stages Three and Four of the National Curriculum and for GCSE.

The scheme was designed for all 11-16 year olds (years 7 to 11) and:

  • used the framework of levels 2-10 in the five national curriculum attainment targets to provide student profiles
  • ...
