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This resource from the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) contains the documents for the Statutory Assessment Tests for Key Stage Three (ages 11-14) science for the year 2009, and their associated mark schemes.

Students in England took national tests at the end of Key Stage Three up to 2009. The...


Two lessons from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)'s Seeing Science in which students look at how some plants absorb heavy metals. The lessons include an experiment to measure the amount of copper absorbed by lettuce and radish plants. In another activity, students use evidence cards and a map to...


A lesson from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)'s Seeing Science. Students investigate sulphur dioxide, its sources and its impact on the environment and on life. In the main activity, students create a animated presentation to tell the story of sulphur dioxide. Images and graphics for each act...

These resources from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) cover the QCA Key Stage Three unit of work 7L 'The Solar System and beyond' through an 'ideas and evidence' approach. It is a unique opportunity to use contemporary information and images.

Each lesson is designed to last an hour, but...

A presentation highlighting seven strategies for behaviour management.

This review, published by the Nuffield Foundation, presents a synthesis of research on mathematics learning by children from the age of five to the age of sixteen years and identifies the issues that are fundamental to understanding children’s mathematics learning. The report concentrates on three main questions...

These resources are provided by the Nuffield Foundation who, in 2007, commissioned a team from the University of Oxford to review the available research literature on how children learn mathematics. The resulting review is presented in a series of eight papers.

Paper 1 Overview - summarises...

The story of the Siemens brothers, and their involvement in the invention and development of innovative and ground breaking technology, provides the stimulus for this set of resources designed for KS3 learners. The resources include:

  • interactive games and supporting teaching activities and worksheets...

These posters from the National Physical Laboratory are ideal for the key stage three classroom.

  • The accuracy and precision poster explains the difference between the two concepts. These ideas are equally applicable for key stages four and five.
  • The sound poster explains the terminology of...

Three shapes constructed from cubes are presented. The challenge is to find the smallest ‘keyhole’ that the blocks will fit through, provided ‘turning’ is not allowed. This resource is suitable for Key Stage 3 and could be used as an extension to the topic of 2D representations of 3D shapes.

