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This document was written as part of the second phase of the work of the Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS). In this phase the project team was using the lessons from research in the first phase to develop, trial and evaluate alternative teaching strategies aimed at promoting conceptual change.


This booklet examines the development of engineering expertise and makes recommendations on ways to harness, encourage, facilitate and reward it. Covering all Key Stages from Foundation Stage to post-16 and higher education, the booklet states the case for design and technology in schools to encourage an...

The Nuffield Secondary Mathematics core books, provided stimulating investigative tasks for all students in any one year group. In their core work, students were expected to develop skills and use and apply the mathematics which they have learned in their topic work....

This document introduces 'The Crystal' building in the Royal Docks, London which is designed to improve knowledge of urban sustainability.

This resource, published in 1985, was the second in a series of discussion documents published by HM Inspectorate intended to stimulate debate about the National Curriculum in primary and secondary schools. It suggests an approach to teaching a broad, balanced, inclusive curriculum for all students.



The D-Files, produced by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), have been written by science teachers and LEA science advisors, with help from staff, on topics chosen by themselves as being those most appropriate to the Key Stages Three and Four age level. They are intended as a fun activity which...

These resources from Farming & Countryside Education (FACE) are intended support a visit to a dairy farm by providing activities which aim to raise students’ awareness of the process of business improvement in the food chain and giving advice on how to organise the visit. In preparation for the farm visit, a...

This report was intended to provide a longer term perspective on changes taking place in students’ understanding over the compulsory school years. The topic of air was chosen on the basis both of its importance throughout school science and its accessibility to students...


This is one of the 14 Background Books published for Stage III of the Nuffield Chemistry Sample Scheme. The books were highly illustrated and designed to be attractive. This book is historical and traces the discovery of the group of elements that we now call the ‘noble gases’.

There are three parts to this...

This Catalyst article investigates how humans can misjudge the weights of small dense objects and large, light objects and how their perception of weight is easily fooled.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 24, Issue 3.


This Problem Solving with Industry module was devised by the Centre for Science Education in collaboration with ICI Huddersfield. The problem presented by this module is to find ways to control the colour and acidity of the effluent from a manufacturing plant which will...

The object of this resource, produced by ESA and ESO, is to present various small projects that will pass on some of the excitement and satisfaction in scientific discovery, to students. Using elementary geometrical and physical considerations, students will be able to derive answers that are comparable with the...

A Year 11 module from the Salters’ Key Stage Four double award science course. This module begins with revision of prior knowledge about stars, planets, moons and other bodies found in space. Students then consider gravity as the force which controls movement of bodies...
