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The work suggested in this Nuffield Working with Science unit helps students to understand the scientific method of testing ideas when it is impossible to do controlled experiments. They see the need for factual evidence to support ideas and statements. The unit focuses...

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). Remote controls, mobile phones, televisions and radios are such commonplace devices that it is easy to take for granted how they work. What...

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). Radiation is all around us and is part of our everyday life. Much of the radiation that bombards us comes from natural sources, though we are...

The work suggested in this Nuffield Working with Science unit helps to make students aware of the inevitable need to recycle materials and of the practical and economic difficulties in the way of doing more at the moment.


This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). ‘Sustainability’ is about using resources in a way that does not deplete them. An increased emphasis on renewable energy is part of the move to greater sustainability, but so is the idea...

Students investigate transport in plants by seeing what happens when flowers are placed in different coloured solutions.

A Year 10 module from the Salters’ double award science course. Restless Earth was designed as a short module of four to six lessons. The module begins with stories about earthquakes. This is followed by practical work with rock puzzles to see how information is...

The Revised Nuffield Physics Students Guides were not textbooks. They included for each unit:
*Summaries - very short accounts giving the most important ideas of each part of the course.
*Readings - short passages which depend on the ideas developed in the...

Published by the Nuffield Foundation the Revised Nuffield Physics Students Guides were not textbooks.
They included for each unit:
*Summaries - very short accounts giving the most important ideas of each part of the course.
*Readings - short passages...

The Laboratory Investigation sheets for Stage 1A and...

The Laboratory Investigation sheets for Stage II of...

This activity from Cre8ate maths looks at the exciting mathematics connected with the regeneration going on in our cities. The three activities are based around the construction of rigid structures and provide opportunities for practical work and mathematical problem...

These materials use the land speed record attempt as a context for teaching about the irreversible changes and energy transfers that occur in BLOODHOUND SSC’s rocket engine.

The BLOODHOUND SuperSonic Car (SSC) World...

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). Studying rockets captures the imagination of many students, as well as providing real-life applications of Newton’s laws of motion.

The booklet looks at the differences between...

These Cre8ate maths activities draw on the mathematics of combinatorial thinking and involve a set of functional maths activities.
